The Marriage

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Peach sat on the stool in her dressing room, trying not to cry. An elegant white gown complete with gold bracelets and an intricately woven veil adorned her figure, and a bouquet of bright pink roses were clenched firmly in her hand. "I can't believe that Mario's gone." She thought, biting her lip to hold back the tears. She was almost too lost in her own thoughts to hear the knock at the door that jolted her back to reality.

"Princess! You've had enough time, let's get moving! As if we didn't have enough to do today." The elderly female voice that shouted to her through the door whispered the last part, as if she was trying not to sound salty. Peach hurriedly smoothed down her wedding dress, took a deep breath and strode out the door, wobbling slightly in the high heels that Bowser had provided.

Outside, a Magikoopa who she recognised as Kammy was waiting for her, seemingly in a terrible mood, dresses in uncharacteristic robes of bright pink. If it wasn't for the situation, Peach would have laughed. "About time. I'm only supposed to escort you. The bridesmaid is waiting for you in front of the great hall." She grabbed Peach's wrist a little roughly and half-dragged the melancholic princess down the corridor, cursing under her breath as she nearly tripped over her overlong, lurid pink robes.

Peach didn't exactly know what to expect when a bridesmaid was mentioned, but she wasn't entirely surprised to see Wendy O. Koopa standing waiting for her in a dress that was a similar colour to Kammy's, but ended halfway down her thighs. The female Koopaling tried to tug her dress down frustratedly but to no avail, almost tripping over in the high heels she was forced to wear, a good 2 inches at least taller than her normal ones with an uncomfortable angle.

"Ugh, I can't wait for this to be over with. My feet are killing me, I'm not broken into these shoes yet, and I've got to stand in them for hours." Moaned Wendy, fixing her bow. Peach hoped against hope that Wendy wouldn't talk to her; she hated the bratty princess with a particular passion, but sadly it was to no avail. "Do us all a favour, 'princess', don't screw this up." She warned, glowering at Peach.

"Nothing to do now but wait until we hear the music, I guess. I hate the pianist, he's only here because he's Bowser's friend, but he's terrible. We wouldn't know if he's playing 'Here comes the bride' or 'Funeral March of a Marionette' unless we were told." Scoffed Kammy, folding her arms and leaning against the wall. Peach tuned out the two women and got lost in her thoughts again.

"So, this is it. After so many years of struggling, I'm finally marrying Bowser. It's over."


"6 HOURS?! Why does he need a 6-hour honour guard at a wedding?! And why us?" Complained Larry, trying to put on his tie but failing miserably, glaring at his hands.

"Never try to understand the way his mind works. We're probably only here so he can torment us a little more." Ludwig smoothed down his green and red uniform jacket in the mirror, surveying the colour scheme with extreme distaste. "For Stars' Sake, let me do it." He half-snapped, exasperatedly, turning on his heel and fixing Larry's tie in seconds. 

"I just wish we weren't wearing these shoes. They're so heavy and clunky. I wish I had my circus ball." Said Lemmy, who was actually walking for once, looking sadly at his feet, where he wearing a pair of steel-capped black boots. They might suit Iggy or Roy, but the whole 'uniform' thing was not at all Lemmy's style.

"Hey, at least we get to carry these cool swords with us." Chimed in Morton, trying to do up the belt to his scabbard around his sizeable waist, breathing in as far as he could. In fairness, the swords did look great; polished steel blades and a gold hilt adorned with rubies. Lemmy had a custom made one that was about the size of a carving knife, as the regular swords always dragged on the floor when he carried them.

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