The Marriage Finale

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After 45 mind-numbing minutes, the mindless chatter had finally died down, and Peach was dragged out the hall alongside Bowser, blushing furiously at the loud rumble her stomach gave at the mention of food, burying her face in her free hand as her cheeks turned red. She could feel they eyes of everyone on her and Bowser as they led the entire congregation down the innumerable hallways. 

Though the dining room was only a few corridors away, it felt like much longer. Whilst the thick carpet probably felt nice on the padded feet of a Koopa, the tall heels were not a good idea to pair it with. She reluctantly stumbled down the hallways, half-dragged along by Bowser, and breathed a sigh of relief when she was seated at the head of the table, shifting her ornate white and gold chair away from Bowser ever so slightly, knowing the huge Koopa's eating habits all too well. Bowser didn't seem to notice, and didn't say much whilst the guests were being seated.

"Is it just me, or does something feel like it's missing?" Asked Kammy, her brow furrowing as she looked turned to face Kamek across the table, climbing onto her own seat a few chairs down, both of which were realistically too high for the two Magikoopas. 

Kamek was silent for a moment, his own face scrunching slightly as he rested a hand on his chin, thinking. Suddenly, it was like a lightbulb had lit over his head as he gasped in realisation. "Stars! Bowser forgot to dismiss the boys! They're still there!" Kamek pushed his chair back and practically jumped off, hurrying over to Bowser and conversing with him in a hushed and hurried voice. 

"Yes, yes, whatever. Go and get them." Ordered Bowser, waving a hand dismissively. A flicker of annoyance passed over Kamek's face at the offhandedness, but he didn't say anything as he fought against the slowly advancing crowd, who were being seated by various servants dressed in jackets that had the same horrible colour scheme as the Koopaling's uniforms.

"Wendy, sit up straight." Growled Bowser, reaching over and hitting the back of Wendy's chair, who was seated with an empty seat between her and her father. Wendy started and  immediately sat up straighter, obviously uncomfortable, having been standing all day. That was just about the only interaction Peach had seen today between Bowser and his daughter. He seemed much more pleased to see Junior, who quickly took up the empty chair next to Wendy, and within seconds, Peach and Wendy had been completely ignored.

"There is something definitely off about those kids. Something's wrong." Peach frowned and looked off into the seemingly distant crowd, and despite all the people there, she was left alone with her thoughts.


"So, uh, are we gonna leave at some point?" Whispered Roy to his brothers as the last guests trickled out of the doors, sweating as the sunlight streamed directly on them from the windows.

"I really hope so, I'm so tired." Lemmy sounded close to crying, swaying where he stood.

"Why do I get the feeling that King Dad's forgotten about us again?" Muttered Iggy to himself, blinded by the sunlight that was covering his glasses, his hand twitching in his sword, desperate to do something other than just standing there.

Roy rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses. "Tch. Story of our life. As soon as we're not needed anymore, we get left behind and pushed aside." He scoffed, unimpressed.

"That'll teach us to expect anything else." Ludwig was about 5 seconds away from passing out right alongside Larry, looking pale and slightly dazed. "I just want to get out of here.".

As if on cue, Kamek entered the room and edged past the final guest, straightening his crumpled robes from where people kept walking into him. "I'm sorry that he forgot you again. You're dismissed, go and take off those ridiculous uniforms, you look like you're about to die." He ordered, his eyes being drawn to Larry. "Is he still not awake?" He added, concerned that Larry had been unconscious for so long.

Locked AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora