(T.S.O.H) Home (Ch: 1)

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*×The Stars Of Hope×*


Home (Chapter 1)


"Україна в небезпеці, і багато хто пішов воювати за нашу країну-"

("Ukraine is in peril, and many have volunteered to fight for our country-"), the TV announced as a yellow and blue lynx turned it off.

She lay in bed by herself, gazing at the Ukrainian flag that her father had helped her attach to the ceiling.

She prayed that this wasn't the last time she would see the flag of her nation.

The lynx realised she had entirely neglected to feed her ferret while daydreaming about the day she and her parents had visited the sunflower forest.

As soon as she got out of bed, she noticed her worn-out pet dozing off on her mother's shoes.

"Давай, Цвітіння, час обідати!" ("Come on, Tsvitinnya, time for lunch!") The ferret usually woke up in an instant when she spoke her favourite words, so she yelled the word "обідати" ("lunch") loudly.

Tsvi awoke as expected, stretched her long body, and then ran as if she were winning a marathon to the location where the lynx fed her.

They quickly made their way to the kitchen, where the lynx used the handle's attached thread as well as by pulling them in her mouth to open the refrigerator.

After digging around in the refrigerator, she accidentally dropped all the blackberries, which rolled across the kitchen floor. Tsvi hurried to the nearest shelf and hid there.

What led to this mess? The loud doorbell was rung.

The lynx moved cautiously toward the entrance, taking care not to trip over any blackberries.

Using a knotted cord, she pulled open the door and it revealed her older brother Shtorm and their dog Zefir.

"Ось, собака погуляла, борщ готовий?"

("There you go, the dog has had his walk, is the borshch ready?"), he looked across the room and remarked,

"О Боже! Я сьогодні був такий зайнятий, що зовсім забув приготувати обід! Чи добре, якщо я замовлю фастфуд?"

("O God! I was so busy today that I completely forgot to make lunch! Is it okay if I order fast food?"), The lynx spoke without seeing that Zefir, a white and black dog, was heading straight towards the blackberries.

Shtorm came in and shut the door after him,

"Я знаю як ти, Зірко: ти постійно забуваєш, але я вірю, що у тебе є запасний план."

("I know how you are, Zirka: you constantly forget, but I believe you have a backup plan.")

He continued, glancing at his sister, but something then drew his attention: "Я не проти поїсти фастфуду... Але чому ожина на підлозі в кухні?"

("I don't mind eating fast food... But why are there blackberries on the kitchen floor?"), he enquired as he drew Zefir away from the blackberries.

Tsvitinnya struck the dog for taking her favourite food as she ran from beneath the shelf, causing the animal to flee.

"...Ну, я намагався дістати їжу для Цвітіннї, але в результаті я їх розсипав і не встиг прибрати безлад-"

("...Well, I tried to get food for Tsvitinnya, but I ended up spilling them and didn't have enough time to clean the mess-")

Despite Shtorm's small nod of agreement, Zirka could see some uncertainty in his dark-yellow gaze.

After some time, he placed an online order for pizza from the neighbourhood takeout joint. It advised waiting till the order came in a few minutes.

Zirka then offered Tsvitinnya the fresh, remaining blackberries. Zefir received some snacks from Storm, who then put him to sleep in his cozy bed.

They both sat down on a chair after that, and her brother paid close attention to the photograph of her parents that Zirka had set up on the table the day before. His cheek was wet with a tear.

They were seen in the photo plucking sunflowers with their parents' assistance.

"Вони занадто молоді, щоб це зробити, хоча й не такі молоді, як ми. Їм слід було залишитися з нами-"

("They're too young to be doing this, even though they're not as young as we are. They ought to have stayed with us-")

Zirka gave a nod. Only the dreadful realities remained before them to accept.

As you can see, their parents were forced to flee their house after volunteering to fight for Ukraine.

The two siblings later relocated to their former residence, which is now owned by Zirka, her animals, and Shtorm.

They both got up when a loud doorbell sounded after a time. Zirka made the choice to respond.

Opening the door, the female lynx thought it would be the pizza delivery service, but it was something worse. She alerted Shtorm to inform him of some crucial information...

Both of them were approached by an armoured soldier-bear.

"Ви, мабуть, син і дочка Соняшників, якщо мені не зраджує пам'ять."

("You must be the son and daughter of the Sonyashnyks, if my memory serves me correctly.")

Zirka was bewildered and she gazed at the floor. She became aware.

Shtorm answered, "Да, ми Соняшники"

("Yes, we are the Sonyashnyks")

As the sky grew gloomy and the wind blew fiercely, the anxious lynx could feel her heart beating...

The soldier went on, "Боюсь, у нас дуже жахлива новина. Твої батьки, Вечірня і Громовиць Соняшник-"

("We have some extremely awful news, I'm afraid. Your parents, Vechirnya and Hromovyts Sonyashnyk-")

Zirka wailed quietly, and there was a lengthy gap. A mournful cry echoed across the pitch-black sky; a hybrid of Zefir and wolves.

"Твої батьки... померли."

("Your parents... have passed away.")

/...To Be Continued.../

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