why am I here

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Melanie had been gone a little over a month
whe she received a phone call from Callie

Melanie Serena do you why I'm here
Serena not sure
Melanie np problem where is Callie ?
Serena in her office I think
Raymond hey Melanie
Melanie hello Raymond
hows life treating you
Raymond good hey what are you doing back
Melanie Callie called me said something about
broken rules
Ray what rules
Melanie that's why I'm here to find exactly what she talking about
Melanie I'll talk to you and jackid before I leave
Raymond fine oh leon
has not been doing well
Melanie shit I'll talk him first.
Callie .Melanie ?
when did you arrive
and where is Angel and Damien
Melanie lets go into your office first Damien is working and Angel is at school now tell why the dramatic call .
Callie simply put I believe Jackie Raymond are responsible for the
death of Roselyn Garcia
Melanie proof I know how fussy you are with your rules but lets be real here there was evidence of murder at
the scene yes both could easily make it look like an accident but in the
you have to have proof they did this remember
I saw that rule you made however you should give
people our people the benefit of the doubt.
Callie secrets are bad
Melanie so is being paranoid especially in this business you this already so why am I here
Callie can you ask them
Melanie if they did do it they are not to tell me
Callie its worth a try
Melanie I do not like accusing our friends of
anything without proof or some kind evidence
Callie just talk them about it then you have always been better at reading a person
Melanie I talk them but
keep in mind Jackie is a serial killer and I'm certain Raymond is as well I can not read serial killer
Callie your damn a serial killer I've seen the bodies you've left in your
wake .
Melanie all of them had it coming.
let me go talk them but
I need to check on leon
Callie he is heartbroken
over not being able to see his child again Viki took full custody
Melanie I'll have a talk with Viki she is the one who left him and he is a damn good dad
Callie ok just let me know if you think they did it
Melanie ok ok don't get your titties in a twist
Callie my tits ew
your so odd
Melanie me I'm not the who got paranoid
Callie be nice
Melanie ok I'm gonna talk to leon first

Melanie Leon I heard about the divorce
and your little girl
Leon what did I do so wrong to her
Melanie nothing this is on her she made this choice a bad one at that
Leon thanks Melanie
how's your family
Melanie we are good
I have to talk to Jackie about Roselyn
Leon your nuts she is a serial killer
Melanie yes she is but we have been friends for a long time besides she has her set boundaries she will never cross killing a friend is a no no
Leon what about Raymond
Melanie he has the same
boundaries you need a shower you smell like ass
Leon fuck you
Melanie eww try Jackie
Leon I thought about it
but I decided to keep my dick
Melanie eww HAHAHAHAHA ya nasty

C.Gray Miller part 2Where stories live. Discover now