wink wink nudge nudge

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Melanie  hey  Raymond
Jackie  can i have a word with you
both sure
Melanie Callie called me
about that news story
a few days ago
Raymond huh wait
Jackie does Callie think we did it?
Melanie she suspects but
I reminded her without
proof  or evidence
to forget it
Jackie do think we  did it
Melanie smiled at Jackie
I know you two did it next be more aware of your timing
Raymond so your not gonna tell her
Melanie the way I see you didn't  just be more aware next time winking as she walks out
neither fully understood what just
Raymond  decided to find out  standing silently outside of Callie's office listened

Melanie ok Callie they had nothing to do
with Roselyn's death
besides  if Jackie decided to kill her there would be a bloodbath
body part flug around
as for he simply would've snapped her neck and tossed her in a dumpster or just left her body there .
you get overly paranoid
and point fingers not good just forget about this shit
Callie maybe it's because they are serial killers .
Melanie yes they are but but they have self control and they are our friends.
Callie yeah sorry about all this
Melanie say sorry to them as well now I must go home Angel should be home by now
Callie  ok take care bye
Melanie you too.

Raymond hey Jackie she knew we did it yet she
didn't tell Callie ?
Jackie you look confused Raymond haven't you ever heard wink wink nudge nudge
Raymond  oh I'm still lost
Jackie even though she knew we did it
she was willing to look
the other way
Raymond now I get it Melanie is definitely a true friend
Jackie always has been.

C.Gray Miller part 2Where stories live. Discover now