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Dear, Wren

Something about the way you were always so genial, it wasn't one person. No. It was everyone. no matter how rude they were to you, you were always so friendly.

I loved that about you, maybe that's why I'm writing about it. When I saw how genial you were, it made me want to be more cheerful and friendly - but it just wasn't the same when I did it. when you did it, it was fascinating, watching you help the boy that had fallen from his scooter, or the old women cross the road. I loved you.

I think I say that to much, even now that your gone I can't seem to move on.

I bet my friend Bad would've loved you too - in a friendly way of course. You're both so sweet and caring, he doesn't like swearing and makes sure to include everyone. Just like you.

Maybe I'll talk to Bad more.

When you were genial it brought a smile to my face, and when you told me to try being nice to the lady in front of us in line she pepper sprayed me and called me a creep. Maybe I'll just stick to watching you do it.

I wonder if your being nice to people right now, you're definitely not being nice to me.

I miss you and it hurts everytime I think of you, please come back.

Love, Wilbur

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