2- 𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴

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"We will never let you win. Over my dead body."
The two people stared at each other, once good friends, and now the biggest enemies.
How did it come that far?
They wanted to protect mutants from all over the world, showing them that they're not strange, that they're not any different than the rest of them.
And now, the x-men split up.

Over something stupid like a chess game.
Charles had teached them, stupidly enough, how to play it and now they acted like they declared the biggest war between the two groups.

It was odd, if you'd think about if, only a few months back, they were strangers to each other, each living their own, more or less, peaceful life.
But now- through all the endless fights reasoned because of their abilities- they almost grew to something like a family.
A strange, traumatized family, full of mutants.

Now, that Charles thought about it, he smiled.
He had to admit, this family, and especially this school, was the only thing he had left that was worth living for.
He didn't know what he would do, if anything would happens to anyone of them, especially Erik.

"Oh no, see, I've got to correct you there, my mate," he said, making a move with the black game figures, "Because we've got checkmate in three."
Gasps filled the room. The attacked group murmured whether they could save their side from checkmate.
Charles chuckled.
Because of his and Erik's many years of experience in this game, they sat out as some sort of jury.
The remaining x-men were quickly on deciding that, because apparently, it would be unfair.
But now, that he saw the defeated team, he decided to cheat a bit.
For teaching reasons only, of course.

So he looked at the game and whispered into Scott's mind a solution.
He didn't looked up, but you could see his side smirk, as he made the move.
Indignation spread on the other side of the room, as they had to admit to being defeated.

Erik looked at Charles, and he knew that Erik knew what he've done.
Erik only smiled and shook his head, as they both applauded.
Charles knew that Erik wouldn't tell the others about it, he wouldn't dare to.

A heavily discussing started amongst the team, as they argued over the game output.

Charles opened his mount, to appease the situation.
But before neither he nor the other x-men could speak their next word, a loud explosion could be heard.
And for a moment, that's all Charles could hear.

The sound was ringing in his ear, such a cliché, he thought to himself.
Suddenly, he hit his head as they all got knocked over by the force of the explosion.
As he touched it with his hand, he could feel a thick liquid running down his forehead.

He could hear distant screams, people calling out each other's names.
From the crowd, he could make out a very specific name, his own one.
"Charles? Charles, where are you?"
And he knew this voice by heart, he could recognize it everywhere.


He could hear his desperate screams, as he sat up, coughing up.
They were surrounded by a layer of thick opaque smoke.

Charles looked around himself, looking for the other x-men.
He stood up and ran to the couple of shadows, which he meant to recognize as them.
His voice was scratching and his throat was dry.
Every piece of his body told him to keep lying down, but he couldn't.
He had to protect his team.

As even through the unbearable pain, he screamed out for their names in desperate need.

"Erik? Erik, is that you?"
And then he felt a hug, and he immediately felt a huge relief.
He allowed himself to embrace that hug for a moment, before he kept looking for the rest of their team.

Luckily, it didn't seemed like anyone got hurt seriously.
The huge relief, which came upon him, as he found everyone alive, was quickly alternated by the shock of the school's damage.

Now they only needed to find whoever did this.

When the smoke cleared up a bit, they could see the extend of the destruction clearer.
Half of the wall from their hallway was gone.
Instead, there was a big, gaping hole, revealing a look to the smoking landscape in front of it.

Through it, Charles detected a couple of people, arming their weapons at the school.
He couldn't recognize them, so therefore they couldn't be mutants.
At least none that he knew of.

They did not seemed ready for a negotiation, as they took another step towards the building.

Quickly, Charles realized what more damage would come upon them and raised his hands,
He walked in front of his team, towards the strangers.
The protests of them ignoring, he spoke to their attackers.
"Please, there is no reason to harm anyone else. What do you want?"

Silence. The strangers looked at each other, changing confused looks, but they still kept the weapons up.
"My name is Charles Xavier. We do not want a fight. Who are you and what do you want from us?"

But his attempts of a negotiation ended in nothing, because a strange noice could be heard, before hell broke loose.

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