3- 𝘈𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘴

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Time was running low, which slowly began to dawn the contending team too.
Charles had realized, that it would cost them much to successfully defeat their attackers.
Too much.
So when he looked around him, seeing his team fighting at the edge of death, his heart stung.

Next to him, there stood Erik, defeating two people at the same time.
And, even though he was, with his metallic forces, one of the most powerful mutants, he seemed having trouble this time.
Charles' heart hurt once again, as he forced himself to look for the rest of the team.

They all did their best, they all handled it pretty good up till now, but he knew that they couldn't last too long.
It was only a matter of time until one of them would get seriously injured-
He got cut off by a scream.
Jean screamed Logan's name, full of worry.

An arrow almost hit him in the back, if she wouldn't have intervened.
It was too much, they were too much.
Charles looked at Erik, and they both knew.

They were never going to make it out alive.
So they had to make a plan, fast.

We need to reform the team, build up a plan to defeat them. Simply a safe shelter for a couple minutes could be enough.
Erik nodded. He knew, that they had no chance if they continued this way.
I can try to stop them shooting at us, could you build us-
A nod. And a plan.

Charles took a deep breath, as he held up his fingers to his temples.
He looked at the small army in front of them, concentrated to enter their minds.

He encountered on strong defenses, but he was stronger.
With a twitching of his eye, he entered their minds and the attack  stopped.
A sweat drop formed itself on his forehead, and he knew that he couldn't take it too long.

And Erik knew too, from the sounds of it.
Charles couldn't leave his gaze or he feared he would lose control, but he hoped that Erik managed to built something up.

When I'm telling you, you run to the right. I will try to throw the bullets away from you, but I can't get everything, okay?
Charles nodded simply.
His head hurt, it was too much.
To control one human, was still okay. But to take control over that many- it was too much for his body.
He felt his knees shivering and he almost fell down on the place, when Erik's voice wouldn't have been there to tell him to run.
And he did.

As soon as the fingers left his temple, and his concentration left, the shootings began.
And arrow hit only centimeters behind his head, as he started to ran as fast as his legs would allow him to.
More and more bullets hit the wall behind him, every time closet than before.

Charles didn't look where he ran to, he just did.
And he hoped.
Right when this hope started to vanish, displaced by the hits of weapons behind him, an arm grabbed him by his hip and pulled him into the darkness.

It was Erik. Charles let out a relieved breath, as he hugged him.
"Thank god."
He looked behind Erik and noticed their team, exhausted looks on their faces.

"You did well out there. But we need a plan to survive this day,", Charles broke the silence.
"Who the hell were these guys out there?"
"No time for questions now, but I don't know either."

Scott rested his head in his palms. "So- does anyone actually has an idea how to make it through the day without getting fucking killed out there?"

Silence, again.
A few propositions were brought about combining their forces, which would never work.
Then suddenly, Logan raised his voice, for the first time in this round.

"I might know someone who could help us out here." He hesitated, and waited for a reaction on our faces.
When no one told him to shut up, I guess there is a first time for everything, he continued.

"A while back- I was in a war again- this soldier saved my life-"
"Oh wow, you actually needed help? I'm impressed." Logan only rolled his eyes at Scott's comment, before carrying on.
"I could sense that she wasn't- human. Not a mutant, necessarily, but not a human either. I think she was immortal, actually. Anyways, she told me to call whenever I needed help so-"

They looked at him impatiently.
"So? What are you waiting for?"

"Wait. Are you sure we can trust her?"
"Not entirely, but it's our best shot in the moment."
They nodded in agreement and looked at Logan.

He took a breath, before getting something out of his pocket.
A little, silver coin.
"What is this supposed-"
Charles shook his head, before telling Logan to continue.

With closed eyes, he  muttered a few words before throwing the coin in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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