Hard Times

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The one thing that I probably hate to see the most is when people become angry with god because their circumstances are unfavorable, and then they blame him for their misfortune. Some even lose their faith over a mere misconception such as this, but god never stated that he is the reason for every single thing that occurs in our lives, god has only said that he has a plan and that he works all things for good. Therefore the statement "Everything happens for a reason" is FALSE! I say this because I hate to see a tragedy such as the death of a loved one and then afterwards hear someone say "God just decided that it was their time to go" NO! it utterly sickens me to hear people make such outrageous claims as for I know that god only loves, he does not take, he does not oppress, and he surely does not kill! And to anyone who thinks that he lets things such as these happen I tell you that it is nobody but you and I that let these things happen. Ever since Adam and Eve committed the first sin humanity has been on a downhill slope, for even the most vile and disgusting of evils are born from a sin thought to be as harmless as a fly. This is all because he gave us free will so that we may do as we wish, and because of our free will he is unable to stop bad things from happening. If he were to stop "bad things" from happening then he'd have to stop all sin from happening, imagine if you couldn't even do as you please? Even if your decisions were wrong wouldn't it infuriate you if you were forced to live according to someone else's will? If God were to fix the world by descending from the sky and ending all sin in an instant in the way that most people expect him to then the end result would surely be different than what they envisioned, and not in a good way either. We dug ourselves into this trench, it's our job to dig ourselves back out.

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