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The News, we hear it constantly. Covering everything from Terrorist Organizations to celebrity nip-slips. This wide range of important to unimportant events is one of the main reasons why I never watch it. (The biggest reason is politics) I find it funny that anyone would even take any of the news seriously for a matter of fact. Their topics are always dramatically detrimental to us when they should be decisively didactic. If the newscasters actually cared about anything besides their view count they would release news that would inform us and help us to do great things and maybe even help others along the way. Instead they lead us around from wall to wall as if we're a litter of kittens chasing after a laser pointer. To keep us on the ropes in such an embarrassing way they have operated under only two sole purposes. the media's motive is always to either entertain or antagonize. When entertaining they always incite dramatic viewpoints or angles of the story to make even an everyday story into a spectacle of a narrative, and when antagonizing they seek to convince you that ISIS is standing right outside of your front door. Though ISIS is a problem, it's not going to put you in any grave danger if you're thousands of miles away. The dramatization of distant problems such as these always reminds me of this quote:

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein

What Albert Einstein meant when he said that it takes a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction is: because of the innumerable amount of intelligent fools who've been enlightening our country about over-complicated issues for so long it's become nearly impossible to convince anyone of the truth. I once heard another quote, though I can't remember who it originated from I still remember that it was a very powerful statement.

"They don't want a society of people who are capable of complex thought, they hate it when people think for themselves."

When I heard this quote I realized that society wouldn't be able to function properly without apathy, ignorance, and fear. For example If everyone was able to live as they please and chase their dreams without any distractions then mediocrity would start to fade, there wouldn't be enough janitors to clean our buildings or enough minimum wage employees to run our Mc Donald's'. Without the lower end of society's hard labor there would be no source of misery for the privileged to feed off of. If there was no ISIS, no police brutality, and no broadcasted political hostility we would be free to do as we please. When I say this I mean that all of us would finally realize our freedom anyways. We are already free to do as we please but a lot of us are just blind to it, and the rest are just too afraid to admit it. The only task left for those of us who see the problem is to stand up and admit it. After all this whole system of fear stemmed from our fear of not being able to stand as one against those who were wrong from the beginning. Make no mistake it won't be easy but God doesn't call upon his sons and daughters to live an ordinary life.

Romans 8:15 "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, ""Abba,"Father."

He doesn't Destine us to be damned. God created us for glory, for greatness. Something that can't be measured by mere mortals, an honor greater than any bestowed upon us in our entire lifetime, and the greatest part about this blessing is that it's a birth rite. Our endowment exists from the very moment we're conceived. With that I say go out to all the people in your life and share this gift. Let your every friend know that you don't intend to squander the blessing of a life you've been granted, and live life fearlessly just as the one who saved you did. And as if I didn't already add enough quotes

"Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do;
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you." -ATL

Enjoy that All Time Low quote. So now "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

Had to use one last quote c;

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