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By now everyone must know about the fact that same sex marriage has now been voted legal in Ireland. I, as a Christian don't see the problem with this. In all honesty it doesn't bother me. On the other hand earlier this morning my Mom walked into my room and the first thing she said was: "can you believe this? In Ireland they just legalized same sex marriage, and they even have a picture of two guys kissing isn't that just gross?" And I just shook my head, sighed, laughed a bit at the "isn't that gross?" Comment, and finally responded with: "really Mom?" She said: "what?" And I asked "does it matter?" She replied with: "yeah you think Jesus would approve of that?" That's when I really started "smh"ing. But before I had the chance to deliver my epic rant she averted her attention away from the conversation and continued playing her guitar. So now you guys are going to have to suffer through my Jesus rant.

I believe that when it was said that marriage is to be between a man and a woman it was a commandment to be taken seriously, I also know that same sex marriage isn't one of the seven deadly sins and let me tell you those are definitely bigger issues than who gets to marry who. First off Lust would be the most obvious sin. I mean how could anybody not notice it when society is basically consumed with sex. So many people, and a lot of them being members of the church fall prey to temptation all the time; and more importantly every human on the planet does just the same. It's not uncommon for members of the church to sin, just as Gay Marriage and Gay sex is a sin Christians commit sexual sins too. The other one of the seven deadly sins that I wanted to mention is Gluttony, the most common of sins in America yet it is still mentioned less than all the others. In my opinion this is because so many people won't dare to admit the fact that they're guilty of it, all because nowadays it's just as tempting as any sexual sin you could think of. And yeah you just heard that correctly, I'll say with a straight face that Mc Donald's Cheeseburgers are now a bigger problem than masturbating. And I don't care how ugly and grotesque my last statement was cause its the truth. You'll even see members of the church, even sometimes the pastors who are complete Gluttons and yet it goes almost entirely unnoticed.

When it was commanded to us not to succumb to gluttony it's not because of the fact that you'll gain weight or get messed up by Burger King, it's because of the way the world works. Most of you probably already know the theory that on the earth for one to have more another must have less, and this property holds it's truth throughout the entire planet. If this wasn't true then 2% of the world's population wouldn't hold 48% of the world's wealth. The reason Gluttony is such an awful sin isn't because it's bad for you it's because it's bad for everyone. Why it became so unnoticed is because when you become a Glutton you sin against everyone, when you succumb to lust you sin against yourself. I think when it was said in the bible that "if one commits a sexual sin then they've sinned against themselves." we automatically assumed it to be the worst type of sin, and while it is a very dangerous type of sin I don't think we should be downplaying the other six deadly sins either, because all types of sin are serious. For example I struggled with being a sloth for the longest time. I spent years being too lazy to do a single thing or even pray or read my bible and it hurt my relationship with God so badly that at one point I thought I couldn't get it back. Each of the seven deadly sins are of equal importance. The reason for us assuming that Lust is the worst of these evils is merely because of the fact that hearing someone say "you could really get yourself hurt." Is much more frightening than hearing someone say "you could really end up hurting someone else."

In a society where almost everyone's so self absorbed that to love another is a harder task than to love yourself we've missed the point that the worst of sins are the ones that affect others not the ones that damage us. I find it odd that we've missed such an obvious point too, for in the bible it states multiple times that you'll be judged by how you treated others during your lifetime, which obviously suggests that it's more important that we care for others rather than just worry about our own shortcomings. So I say that before we worry about who has sex before marriage or who has same sex marriage maybe we should lay down the fork so someone else has the chance to eat.

(P.S. My mom is a very nice person so please don't think that she's terrible based on what she said at the start of this story. She's just kinda Republican I guess you could say XD and also masturbation isn't necessarily a sin. I just put it in the sentence cause I thought it sounded kinda funny lol.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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