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Tw:cursing,tommy,yelling hope you enjoy|

I look over beside me to my clock and I read it 6:00am "shit" i say under my breath "welp guess I'll just sleep during silence.... again"i say "WHAT WAS THAT" I hear dad scream from downstairs "NOTHING DAD" . Having a teacher for a parent isn't that nice especially when he is the ela teacher. "TOMMATHY THUSRUS MINCRAFT WATSON GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE WITH YOUR UNIFORM ON OR I WILL HAVE WILBUR FIX IT AND I KNOW YOU DONT WANT TO HAVE A TIE ON THAT YOU CANT TAKE OFF ALSO ITS ALMOST TIME TO GO" I hear dad practicly scream. I get up and I rummage through my pile of clothes and I find my school uniform a little wrinkled but I put it on anyway and I make sure my phone,ear buds,dad's credit card number on a pice of paper,  and all my school supplies are in my blazer pockets. I go down stairs and I look up to see tecno and will at the table on there phones munching on poptarts. Dad walked up to me "tommy did you not brush your hair" dad asks  "no" i say "tommy you need to stop pulling all nighters" how did dad know "fineeeeeee" I say. I went over to will and asked for his comb that he keeps in his pocket "will can I use your comb" "I thought you would never ask" will got up witha evil look in his eyes and say me down and started violently combing my hair. "OWWWWW WILBUR " I cried "toms your fine " i jumped up even though the comb was still in my hair "Tom's my comb" I started pulling it out.....I got it "Tom's.....is that some of your hair " I look at the comb "it's fine its not much. I pull the hair out of the comb and hand it back to will. "K kids get you arses in the car now " . We all filed out of the house "shotgun" I scream "nope" I hear tecno say as he gets in the front. "How dare you " I get in the back as I pretend to be very offended. We get to school and as usual no one else is here other than teachers bc we get brought to school when dad gets here so I wait out front as usual waiting for ranboo and tubbo 


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