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|Yoooooooooo I'm alive I think idk anyway I am going to try and update more but with school and events and all I might not be able to but when I have time I will try| TW:talk of figures,figures,nightmares,crashing sounds|

     <Tommy's pov>

When I got home I noticed that no one was in the living room, guess they had some stuff to do after school.
When I got to my room I threw my bag down by my dresser and hot some comfy clothes on and hoped on my phone to see if I got any notifications, sadly none so I decided to hop on my PC and play minecraft.

Time skip 3 hours later

I'm still playing minecraft then I look at the time and see I've been playing for like 3 hours so I get off the PC and when downstairs to get some food then go back to my room but before I could make it up the stairs wilbur,phil,and tecno got home so I tried to sneak past them but that didn't really work so I had to talk to then then I was back in my room and I was listening to music while drawing.

Time skip to night time

Soon it was time to get ready for bed so I got my pj's went to the bathroom and shower & brushed my teeth before going back to my room I look in the mirror and see I have really dark circles and bags under my eyes from all those nightmares recently with the tall figure taking Mr and the while thing every night so I would end up waking up and listening to music while looking at the ceiling waiting for it to be morning. Soon I was asleep and it was time for the all great usual nightmare but it was different tonight there were three figures one with a colorful hoddie with a swirl on it [he's new] and the the usual tall figures with purple eyes and the one with the mask and green eyes and the usual happend but the other guy was warning me saying stuff about mr.wastaken and ranboo and how I needed to keep my eye open for any thing supisos. Then I wake up again but this time to a loud crashing sound then I see him or is it him?

|394 words |

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