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Gallade is a Gladiator-like blade Pokémon known for
having blades as arms and a knight-looking appearance. He is also known to have a serious personality of a knight. Whenever he's dating you, however, things start to get better and with your enthusiastic attitude, he grew more affectionate and calm around you. Things started changing when you were acting strange one day, but he tried to shrug it off, thinking you were having an off-key sort of day.
He couldn't ignore it any longer and couldn't even sleep peacefully when this happened again and again for 3 to 5 weeks straight. He couldn't concentrate on his training the more he noticed and the longer you acted this way. He starts to panic.

" Hey Gallade, how's it going? " His best friend, Cinderace, asked while he was cleaning his blades from training so hard. " Good, Thanks..." A small reply was all she got, before noticing a weak smile on his face. She lifted his face up to look at hers.
" You look worried about something, what's up? "
Cinderace took him to a nearby bench to sit and he told her what's been going on. He decided to talk to her first before going to you. Her concerned look turned into a shocked and surprised expression as she listened. " You should probably go check on them, they might be having something going on in their place or in their heads " She suggested. " Okay, Thanks for helping me out..." The green Pokémon said as he started to walk away. " Let me know how it goes okay?! " Cinderace called out as his voice echoed away from where she was. " Got it! "

Gallade arrived at your place, knocking gently at your door. He took deep breaths as he heard footsteps coming to the door and it opened, revealing you standing there. " Hi, Gallade. Can I help you with something? " You asked in a sweet tone. " Hello, My Princess. May I please come inside? " He asked nervously, silently blaming on himself for being nervous." Sure " But when he took your hand, however, he felt you shaking up, for your sleeves rolled up a little bit. He led you to your chair nearby as he tried to shrug it away, while shaking his head at the same time. He sat down on the corner of your bed, taking a deep breath.

" Have you been okay lately? I've noticed that you've been acting strange since we've won the battle against Decidueye at the Pokémon tournament 5 weeks ago. I mean, I've known you since you were a kid but way longer than that, love. What's going on? " He saw your face break with realization and you started to shake again. " I don't know what you're talking about, Gallade. I'm perfectly fine. " You spoke, but your voice wasn't sweet anymore, it was cold and held no emotion, like a block of ice.
" I know when something's wrong, my love. I'm able to see the signs. " The blade Pokémon said, catching your attention, well sort of. You looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. " Really? What signs have I been showing? " You asked but your voice is still cold and it held two emotions, ones that Gallade knew very well:

" Your eyes are always dull, your smile is always forced, you almost never participated in special events, activities with friends, you don't even look at Cinderace the same way and she's your best friend, traveler. You act like that towards me too! At first, I tried to shrug it away, but I talked to Cinderace and she's also worried about you! Please, my princess, I'm not causing any problems for you, I'm only trying to help! " He said, almost crying.
You could see that when Gallade opened his eyes from blinking twice, the sparks in his eyes were gone. 💭What did I just do?💭 You thought.
He took your hands and the sleeves were rolled up again but this time, halfway to your elbows. You pulled your arms away from him and he frowned at you.

 You pulled your arms away from him and he frowned at you

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He asked.

" Nothing " You said,praying that he believed it, which he didn't. You saw that he's still frowning at you and quickly set your arms down on his blades before he gets more angry. He held your arms tightly so that you couldn't pull them away from him. He rolled up your sleeves, flipped your arms to face upwards and he gasped in horror. What he saw next gave him the chills down his spine: Cuts that came from not his blades, but worse, a large kitchen knife!
Tears overflowed from his eyes, what would be so bad that made you harm yourself?. He looked up at you, you were looking away, staring down on the floor, almost guilty.
" M-My P-Princess? " he stuttered, moving your face to face his. You saw how heartbroken and sorrowful he looked, like a flower that lost its own petals, and immediately regretted your actions. " G-Gallade, please don't cry... " You said, your voice breaking on his name.

You inhaled deeply and exhaled, trying to get your heartbeat to slow down a bit

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You inhaled deeply and exhaled, trying to get your heartbeat to slow down a bit. You then told him what'd been happening. How your family seemed to be falling apart at the seems, how your friends are too busy and how you didn't want to bring them down, how you were stressed about your exams that was coming up in 2 days, everything. He listened intently before he kissed your lips with desperation and embraced you with a hug, as he buried his face on your shoulder, crying. You begun to cry as well.

" Why? Why didn't you tell me, my princess? " He murmured, after a while. " I didn't want to be a burden to you. I didn't want to come off as clingy." You muffled, since your face was buried on his shoulder. He smiled softly and he pulled you back so you could see it. " You could never be a distraction or a burden to me and you wouldn't be clingy either. You're my princess and I love you so much. If you need anything, please come over to my castle and we can talk about it privately, okay? " He said as he relaxed his shoulders for you to lean on. You nodded and kissed his cheeks before smiling back at him. Though your face was covered in tears, your smile still remains stunning for the first time in weeks, like a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly.
Gallade gently dried up your tears from your eyes until he realizes that you fell asleep on his shoulder.
Cinderace came to your place moments later to check on you two and she found an adorable sight:

Cinderace came to your place moments later to check on you two and she found an adorable sight:

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" Hey, you okay? " She asked, whispering to him since you were sleeping. " Yeah, and something tells me that my princess is going to be just fine " Gallade whispered back, before giving Cinderace a cute smile. After talking for what seemed like hours, she finally left your place to go do something important while waving goodbye to you two. Gallade fell asleep while holding you, happy that he was there for you when you felt no one else was.

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