Chapter 32

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Very Heavy Trigger Warning. Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Enjoy the last chapter everyone :) Sorry for the fucking long ass wait. Love y'all

"Here's your final check, Bauman." Keith said, handing me my check in a envelope.

"Thank you, Keith. Thank you for taking me in last minute. You saved my ass." I said with a smile, Keith smiling grabbing his chip bag.

"Let's get back to your little party." Keith put his hand on my shoulder leading me back out to the video store.

Robin and Steve organized a whole going away party, of course inviting Eddie since Keith is always trying to still get me alone with him.

"Baby." Eddie said grabbing me pulling me away from Keith.

"Hey guys, I really appreciate you doing this for me." I said, smiling to Robin and Steve.

"You're leaving me with him, of course we had to." Robin said nudging Steve with her elbow.

"Uh fuck you, I'm the only reason you come to work." Steve said back.

"Yeah, because you drive me and I need the money, Dingus. I'm poor." Robin said back with more attitude.

"Oh so you use me?" Now Steve and Robin are arguing and Keith is eating the going away cake Robin got me it was just me and Eddie.

"Oh god, guys please. Let's just talk shit and have fun for my last day, yeah?" I said getting Robin and Steve's attention back.

"Of course." Robin said.


"Wait so what's the deal with Jason?" Steve asked, I sighed as it's kind of hard to forget that Steve isn't apart of the '86 class.

"I beat him up, he grabbed her." Eddie pointed to me.

"Yeah, dude. It was crazy. Is he still in the hospital?" Robin asked as she licked the frosting off the plastic spoon.

"Chrissy has been visiting him, just out of kindness. He should be discharged soon." I said playing with Eddie's hair as I sat on the counter while Eddie sat in a chair in front of me.

"How can she handle that? Didn't you say that Jason is in love with you or something?" Steve's face dropped, god this is really hard.

"Hold the fuck up, rewind!" Steve yelled, Eddie sighed.

"Dipshit likes Lydia, only reason why he was always being an asshat to her was because she's one of the freaks and he's one of the popular kids, get it?" Steve nodded but Robin spoke.

"Fucked up for Chrissy, yeah?" We all nodded, Chris didn't deserve that.

"So...Are you guys really leaving today?" I nodded slowly.

"The job needs me by next friday, we need to start driving there today." I said, Robin and Steve's face dropped.

This is going to be hard.


I grabbed all my hoodies from my dresser stuffing them into one of my duffle bags.

I ended up clearing up my dresser leaving some closet incase of visiting reasons.

Now it's time for the bedside which have more valuable items.

I opened up my bedside drawer finding some valuables like Jace's notebook, the empty bag that Eddie asked me to be his girlfriend on and receipts from Family Video when me and Eddie would rent movies.

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