تسعة و ثلاثون ~ Thirty Nine

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"Mmh.. this feels so nice" whispered Jimin feeling his tense muscles relax in the warm water, his back pressed to Yoongi's chest as they took a bubbly bath together.
Yoongi hummed, his hands massaging the smaller's hips as he planted feather kisses on his pinkish nape, "You smell so nice"

The blue haired God's giggle echoed through the washroom, making Yoongi's heart melt, "but we used the same soap, we smell the same!"

"No, you always smell so sweet and alluring. It makes me want to-" he paused as he lightly bit the smaller's shoulder making him giggle even more.
"Well you can always-" he replied as he turned his head to face Yoongi and took one of his large hands and bit his finger gently " -as you want!"

Yoongi's face broke into a gummy smile at the cute gesture, knowing fully well that was Jimin's way in reassuring him and taming his overprotection that lead to the previous misunderstanding, "I love you so fucking much" he whispered as he leaned in and captured his lips in a deep kiss.

"But Yoonie, you never told me what business had you leaving in the middle of the night?" Asked Jimin as they broke the kiss.

"Hmm, I knew I was forgetting something I just couldn't quite put my finger on it" replied the older God as he pecked his temple, "come on flower let's get you dressed, we must head out soon."


"Took you long enough pal" mocked Hoseok.

Yoongi and Jimin were hand in hand making their way through several pairs of 'disappointed but not surprised' eyes, the Ennead having to wait for hours for the long gone Yoongi and his promise to bring Jimin back for his healing powers.
But Yoongi only rolled his eyes, more occupied with how Jimin immediately rushed to Jungkook and Taehyung and engulfed both of them in a hug instead of positioning himself on his lap as he should. The audacity.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry he only informed me ten minutes ago or so!" Stammered Jimin as he momentarily glared at Yoongi then continued inspecting Jungkook's arm.

Jin widened his eyes, "What?? And what exactly have you been doing for the past four hours?" He asked Yoongi.

"Using my mouth for other things. Better things." He smirked as he eyed Jimin, the latter instantly blushing and avoiding his friends' gaze.

As Jin was about to fire back, Namjoon cleared his throat, "since you are finally here, we could really use your powers Jimin. San has already left saying Wooyoung, being the God of magic, will tend to his wounds. But the others need you".
Jimin nodded in understanding as he urged Jungkook to settle in a separate room first so he can rest properly before he can attend to him, the younger refusing at first and insisting that he was doing well, then immediately changing his mind due to nothing but Taehyung's puppy eyes. Jimin then moved to Hoseok, and after a throughout examination he deemed the God of earth to be suffering from nothing but mere exhaustion from how the enemies' magic barrier sucked his energy.
The God of love settled by his side, he clutched Hoseok's fairly larger hand in his significantly smaller ones and his eyes slowly turned into a mesmerizing navy blue, almost matching his blue locks, as he began to mumble a mysterious mantra that had not only Hoseok, but the entire deities present in the hall ascend into an intoxicating state of pure calmness and relief. A sweet scent of fields and fields of fresh flowers erupted from Jimin like a gentle breeze making Hoseok's tense muscles immediately relax and his long lost energy slide back into him and pulse through his veins.

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