Fifty Six ~ ستة و خمسون

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After being summoned by Yoongi to Alexandria to finish what he had started, the army of wrath retreated from the rest of Egypt's lands and changed their quest from looking for Jimin to terminating the enemy, giving a clear cue to the Ennead that they must move as well.

Namjoon had full faith in Yoongi's powers and quick wit, thus he opted to leaving the punishment of Anubis to him fully and rather taking care of the other urgent matters.

San and Hoseok were instructed to secure the inhabitable territory from any of Anubis' followers, knowing fully well Yoongi's followers would rather die than disobey his order and stay behind. Wooyoung and Jin were responsible for ensuring the population's wellbeing health wise for they minimized the casualties by healing those in need. Soobin was entrusted with reviving his and Yoongi's castle seeing as he knew it the most among them all, for Namjoon knew the couple would need a secluded place once this whole ordeal was over. And no matter how much Namjoon tried, he could not pass his commands to Taehyung and Jungook for the first was determined to head to the war scene and find Jimin, and the second refused to be anywhere Taehyung wasn't.

Yet, before any of the Gods got to flee and fulfill their quests, a haunting dark smoke appeared in the middle of the hall startling the Ennead and causing them to take an immediate attack stance.

The smoke faded and the God of chaos appeared, standing tall and strong with an aura so heavy it can only mean one thing: Now is not the right time to mess with Yoongi.

Say,is there a right time to begin with?

In his arms whimpered Jimin, Yoongi's heart clenching with each weak noise the smaller uttered for he knew, Yoongi knew just how grave and solemn Jimin's situation was this time. His wounds weren't physical, thus easily healed, Jimin's wounds were mental. The events had broken his spirit and Yoongi could sense that.

The lands of Egypt were destroyed as an aftermath of the war, humans lost their homes and families and even their lives, millions of demi Gods met their doom and even more were injured, and Yoongi knew Jimin was blaming himself for it all.

And for Anubis as well, for Jimin felt completely responsible for the pure evil Anubis unfolded to be.

"You" growled chaos as he addressed Wooyoung, startling the later, "create a soothing barrier in one of the temple's rooms"

Wooyoung gulped glancing at the other Gods, then upon receiving a nod from Namjoon, he did as told.

"P-please," sniffled Taehyung, fat tears escaping his eyes at Jimin's state, "Please let me come too... please"

Yoongi's heavy gaze burned holes into Taehyung, his sane part knowing full well no one -beside him- fears for Jimin like Taehyung, but his canine side longing for his lover and still not healed from the damage the kidnapping had done. Yet he proceeded walking towards the room silently, Taehyung hastily following behind with Jungkook holding him close.

Days came and went by and soon enough, the events of the nameless day became history. But whomever said time heals wounds, must've not been wounded as deep.

It took Jimin ten full days to completely recover from the remnants of the power absorbing cuffs he was subjected to by Anubis, all while Yoongi being on his side holding his hand day in and day out, and just as the older God's patience started running thin, and just before his irrational side that kept providing him with horrible scenarios that further fed his fear over his flower, Jimin woke up on the tenth day.

Yoongi and the rest of the Ennead braced themselves for that exact moment, they were all fully prepared to reassure and soothe the God of love, all willing to risk it all just to contain his inevitable panic attack and see him calm down and get back to his bubbly self.

But to their disbelief, none of that happened.

Jimin's eyes fluttered slowly as he woke up, carefully hoisting himself up and then gently smiling at his shocked lover. Yoongi wasted no time as he immediately embraced his flower in such intensity that had them both falling back onto the mattress

"I'm here Yoonie," soothed Jimin as he caressed his lover's silky locks, "we are together again"

Yoongi broke the hug and leaned back a tad bit, enough to drink in Jimin's delicate features, and then he kissed him. On his warm forehead, his puffy eyes, his pinkish cheeks, and finally his soft lips. He placed feather light pecks on every accessible part of Jimin making the smaller giggle cutely, and only then did Yoongi feel himself breathe properly

"Never have I felt so frightened and lost" he grabbed both his hands and kissed his fingertips, "never have I felt so hopeless and astray" he nuzzled his face into Jimin's delicate hands, then looked at him with eyes dripping vulnerability "What have you done to me, esteemed God of love?"

Jimin's lower lip quivered and his nose flushed, and finally, a much needed tear rolled down his cheeks as Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin and Jungkook all hugged him while the other Gods barely held themselves together as they watched the scene.

Jimin cried and cried like he never had before, feverishly weeping his frustration and his fears as he let his hot tears wash out his sorrows and regrets. The endless love and support he was surrounded with being the only thing keeping him intact and securing him tightly from slipping off the verge of the insanity.

For time may fail at healing, but love can revive the shattered souls.

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