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There was once a mighty god , who was feared by all . He was known as merciless , ruthless and heartless .

Until one day , he met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen . She was a god who was just as powerful as he was . Just the sight of her made his heart palpitate . She had him quite smitten . She also felt the same , and so , they decided to get married .

They soon had a beautiful baby girl and named Zia . They both cherished her with all their hearts and wanted to always keep her safe . She was their world . Zia adored both of her parents , but she'd be lying if she said that she didn't consider her father her favourite . He always made time for her , taught her very important life skills and lessons . She still adored her mother though , recently , it just felt like her mother didn't like spending time with her , she even struggled to look her in the eye .

One night Zia's father decided it would be best to investigate the matter . " Okay , what's going on with you Mila ? You don't usually act like this . " He enquired in a calm manner . I don't understand . What are you talking about dear ? " She responded , trying to play dumb . " I'm talking about how you have been avoiding Zia recently . " Mila couldn't contain her pain any longer . " Are you being serious ? How could you ask me that as if you don't know why ? Do you not understand how much pain I am going through ? I will not be able to raise my own child !!! You keep saying 'the future isn't set in stone' and all that other nonsense but we can't avoid this ! I just don't want to believe that I won't be able to watch her grow . And it hurts to see all the pain that she will have to go through Zeke . " Zeke stayed quiet after that , contemplating what the best response would be . " I know but .......... You can't avoid her until the day we die , leave her with happy memories of her moments with you , and valuable lessons to carry with her ." He spoke softly , a tone only his loved ones got to hear , while wrapping his arms around her petite frame and held her carefully , as if not to break her . " I know , I just wish we could stay "

( 393 words )

Sorry for the short chapter . I hope you enjoyed this story . Comment if I should make more parts of this story . Thank you for reading . Also , apologies for any grammatical errors , English is not my first language .

RANDOM BOOK OF ONE SHOTSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя