I wish [part 1]

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Recommended song for this is "Wish You Were Gay" by Billie Eilish and Khalid . Please enjoy .

Himari POV

I saw Tamaki sitting alone so I decided to approach him . I walked over to him and gave him the brightest smile I could and greeted him " Good morning Tamaki senpai . How's your day going ?" I made sure to say it softly , because he has sensitive hearing . " Go away Himari ." I have to admit . It hurts to hear him reply to me so coldy . I am head over heels in love with him after all . I then hear footsteps and turn around to see Asahi " Sheesh . Cut her some slack man . She's only trying to be nice . Even though you don't really deserve it ." He muttered the last part so quietly , I almost didn't hear it . Almost .

" Hey there beautiful ." He turns to me , smirking and puts his arm on my shoulder . Tamaki scoffs and ignores him . " Hello Asahi . You seem in good spirits today. " I say chuckling at his flirtatious behaviour . " I made you both some food , would you like some ." I offer the two boys . Asahi takes it without hesitation , thanks me , then runs of . Tamaki the takes the food and throws it in the trash . Ouch . " Listen here you walking mistake . LEAVE ME ALONE !!! I don't like you . Never have . Never will . So stop with your your stupid and delusional fantasies !! Because they will NEVER happen !!! I wouldn't even THINK of being with you , even if you were the last girl on Earth . So just GET LOST!!!!!"

He roughly shoves past me , making me lose my balance and fall . I feel strong arms around me and look up to see Asahi , his normally happy features replaced by those of concern and anger . " Thank you Asahi senpai." I say pulling away gently and walking away . Feeling every pitiful glance and stare . Hearing their whispering and muttering . I exit the cafeteria and go to class .

Asahi POV

I looked over and saw Himari talking to Tamaki . I felt nauseous at the sight . He doesn't deserve her love , her kindness , her heart . Sure I'm totally love sick . I get it . I know I sound possessive and controlling , but hear me out . Tamaki is the most heartless , cruel , manipulative and toxic person to be around . I would be fine with her dating ANYONE ELSE !! LITERALLY !!! EVEN A SERIAL KILLER !!!!!!!!

Okay moving on .

I go to them , and she gives me food . Marry me already !! I kinda take the food and bolt out of the room to go and put it in my bag for later . I wanna eat it at home , so I can appreciate it more .

I come back and I see him shove past her so roughly , to the point where she falls .

I run to her side and ask her what happened and if she's okay , but she doesn't respond honestly and runs away . The bell rings and I assume she went to her class . I would follow her but she disappeared in the crowd of people , and I don't even know what class she's going to .

I look at where Tamaki was sitting and then see the food she packed in the trash .

OH MY GOD !!! SERIOUSLY ???!!!! I knew he was a jerk . But to waste FOOD ??! He's a mad man . Well he might be a mad man , but I'm a psychotic when it comes to food . Especially her food .

Even if I'm not the one to give it to her . Himari deserves love and affection . She deserves someone who's going to appreciate everything she does for them .

Yes , one sided love hurts , but I'd rather go through that than to see her in so much pain , and just being miserable .

Honestly , I know she's only into guys . But now , I just kinda wish she was gay at this point .

( 641 words )

Sorry it took so long , and thank you for reading this . I really appreciate it very much .

I know it's not a lot , but I'm trying to make this a series .

Also , I'm writing exams , so it might take longer to publish chapters .

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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