-Experiment 0690-

120 6 6

-Socks POV-


A lot of loud sounds.

I got on the planet but I don't think the people here are that nice. They captured me and they put me on a bar with wheels and took me to a head quarters of some sort. I can't move but I can see and hear everything well. My tentacles are also unable to move so I can't do anything but watch as I get put into a see through room.


-Meme's POV-

Another experiment. This never gets easier. We have to capture and drug the poor guy so he can't move. We have no information on him but he seems to be the same species as 0024. They both have black tentacles with green tips. They also have the same green saliva and floating head. Speaking of 0024 I need to check on him.

I walk over to the glass room with the label 0024. The room is darker than other ones. There are green slime on the walls. His food bowl is full meaning that he hasn't eaten anything. I go into the room next to it. It's called the record room because it keeps record of what happens with the experiment in the next room. It also acts as a place where you can safely feed and talk to the experiment.

I brighten the light in 0024's room. A hiss is heard of the corner of the room. 

0024: what you doing here

His grammar isn't the best.

Meme: you know I have to watch you 

0024: . . .

Meme: You haven't eaten yet. Is something wrong?

0024: No. . .

Meme: you're lieing 

0024: what does that mean?

Meme: you're not telling the truth 

0024: I just feel like there is another ~*-¶ø similar to me.

Meme: Well there is a new experiment that came in today

0024: most likely 

Meme: anyways you should eat your food

0024: I'm not hungry 

Meme: then eat it when you're hungry 

0024: . . .

Meme: Bye 24

0024: you know my name. Use it.

Meme: Bye Blaza.


Made on the bus 

(334 words)

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