-New friend-

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-Socks POV-

I've been here for a few days and the scientists have been experimenting on me. They gave me a red tag thing that shows that you are strong or something like that. I also heard that there is a ~*-¶ø like me! Well I'm not sure if it's a  ~*-¶ø but we are very similar so we could be  ~*-¶ø$ friends! 

A knock wakes me from my thoughts. A human walks in. It's not like any other humans I have seen. It has long hair and spots like it's couldn't decide what color to be. It is wearing yellow with a white coat on top like every human here has.

???: Hi little one

Who does this person think I am???? I'm probably older and taller than it.

???: I'm Wictoria nice to meet you 

It's voice is higher than the other humans.

Socks: (3⟨'3

Wictoria: what?

Socks: (3⟨'3

Wictoria: ok

I'm not sure if it understood but my harsh tone must have driven it away.


-meme's POV-

Meme: Blaza is so hard to work with sometimes 

Wictoria: so is 0690

Meme: did you get his name?

Wictoria: he immediately wanted me out and if he did tell me his name he was speaking another language 

Meme: at least Blaza knew a little bit of English when he got here

Wictoria: why do I get one of the most difficult experiments on my first real job

Meme: you want a coffee?

Wictoria: no thanks

Meme: why not?

Wictoria: you had three of those and it isn't even lunch yet


Fun fact: the reason Socks calls Wictoria an it is because woman don't exist on his planet

(260 words)

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