-aquatic creature-

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three days later


-Wictoria POV-

Tomorrow is the first test for Experiment 0690.

I need to start thinking of ways to get him in the testing room. My first challenge is to get him into a separate cage so he can be moved into the testing room. I can already tell that this won't be easy. Maybe we can get 0024 to help, I know they both speak the same language because Memes asked him about it and showed him some video clips of 0690. Was is easy, no but we got it. Maybe somehow Memes can convince 0024 to help us.

But for now I need to focus on getting more information on 0690. It's pretty much confirmed that he is a Zimpo like 0024 so we got that checked. I need to find the rest myself.

I walk into the recording room to see how 0690 is doing. He luckily ate so he's fine with that. He also oddly calm but protective. 

A loud siren is rung in the distant. A red aquatic creature with a bubble on its head runs past me. I notice that it has a orangish red tag on its arm meaning it is somewhat dangerous. I hid behind the recording room. 


I look behind me and the creature is behind me.

"ACck" I scream in fear as I fall to the floor

"Chill Wictoria" the creature says "My name is Honest"

"Who names there child that? And how do you know my name????"

"My non-existing parents and Laff told me about you!" 

Laff is one of Meme's friends. I met him once but that was a bit ago. I'm guessing he works with Laff. 


I'll make the next chapter another day

I am going to update chapters slower so yeah

(288 words)

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