Star Wars AU part 6

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"Today marks the 16th year the Jedi were exposed and killed for their crimes." The woman on the screen turn to her male partner to her right. "That's right, the Jedi used to take children from their homes to make them Jedi. But thankfully the Empress put a stop to this and exposed the Jedi for what they are." The woman starts to speak again. "We are all thankful for Empress and what She done for us and-
The screen goes black, MK whips around to see Wukong holding the remote that turned it off. Wukong wore a gray tunic with a blue ribbon around his waist. He had red scarf on his head that looked like a headband.
He threw the remote down on the couch and put his hand on his hip. In Wukong's other hand he was holding a basket. "Don't watch that it will fill your head with lies." He went over and got another basket for MK.
"Here come help me with the peaches." He threw the basket to him and walked out to the orchard. MK frowned at the basket, his Mama was always made him help. Don't get it wrong, he loved helping around the house and orchard. It was just his friends Mei and Red Son, invited him to go the parade or festival that only happened once a year.
And this year his home planet happened to be the one hosting it. But Wukong seemed adamant on keeping him home with him.
Sometimes MK thinks that Wukong isn't his real parent. They really didn't look the same, he had a red mask with three red dots on the side of it. On the other hand Wukong had a golden peach color mask that was in a shape of a stretch out peach, hilarious isn't it. He had brown fur and Mama had Golden fur.
"Xiaotian, you coming?" That was his real name, him and his Mama were the only monkies on this planet so Mei call him Monkie kid which was shorted to MK. It stuck with him that even Wukong started calling him that. But every now and again he'll call him by his real name.
"I'm coming." He called back, getting up he used his tail to pick up the basket he left on the floor.
Wukong was enjoying this life of his, with his son and his orchard. Everything is perfect, so perfect that even sometimes he thinks of forgetting about the Jedi and Liu'er completely and just live his life. But he doesn't.
Wukong hopped down with his second basket of peaches. He looked over to see how much progress MK had made. Not a lot, still on his first basket. He rolled his eyes, he was often slow when he was bored or didn't want to do something. Wukong made his way over to where he was picking the peaches.
"You need some help there bud?" MK looked down to see Mama looking up at him smiling. He looked back at the tree then back down. "Uh no I'm fine." He answered back, as pick another peach off the tree.
"Okay call me if you need anything and I'll be over before you can say a monkie's uncle." Wukong walked off to get another basket for more peaches.
Right as Wukong got another basket and came back MK asked him something. "Can I go to the festival with Mei and Red?" He turn atound to face him, MK was putting his fingers together and making a kissy face while looking away. He looked like he just got caught doing something bad.
Wukong didn't understand, what festival was he talking about. Then it hit him, that festival, the one that celebrated the death of his friends. Wukong got ready to shout at Xiaotian, opening his mouth.
But nothing came out, he closed his mouth and began to think. MK didn't know, plus Red Son's mother Iron Fan was once a jedi and Mei's grandfather was once a jedi too. If they were going maybe it would be okay for him to go.
Plus he received a message about Liu'er and empire, so he needed an excuse. And MK wasn't a kid or a baby anymore. He could protect himself and he had both his friends with him. He folded his arms and let out a sigh.
MK looked way, it was obvious to him that Mama wasn't going to let him go. "You can go." He frowned, then it hit him what his Mama said. MK was so shocked and happy that he jumped for joy and his tail started to wag.
He ran over to Wukong and hugged him. "Thank you Mama!" He was about to take off when Wukong grabbed him. "Hold right there bud." He put MK by him and squatted down next to him
"I know I said you can go but I want to set some rules got it?" MK sat criss cross and nodded smiling brightly, Wukong smiled back as well. He stood up. "First don't leave Mei or Red Boy's side got it, second don't ever and I mean ever talk to those so called knights! Got it."
MK didn't know why Mama hated the Empire's Knights so much. He got up and saluted to Wukong in understanding and took off waving goodbye.
"Wait!" MK came to a halt and looked over his shoulder at his Mama. Wukong was frowning then started smiling his tail pointing to the baskets. "Fill up 6 baskets of peaches and you can go."
MK ran off to get a basket to fill as Wukong went back to filling up his.
An hour and 54 minutes had past and MK just finished filling the six baskets, he wiped his brow. "I'm done!" No response. MK turned around to look for Mama, but he couldn't find him.
Maybe Wukong went back in the house or something like that. MK was sure that if he left he would understand, right? Right as he was about to leave Wukong hopped down from the tree holding a full basket.
"Sorry bud, I was distracted and yes you can go now." He smiled at him as he left to put the basket with the rest. MK frowned Mama never got distracted, was something wrong.
A loud distant ding was heard from the town. That was the signal that the festival was starting. "Love you Mama!" MK waved and ran to get his bike to ride to the town. Wukong turned his head and saw that MK had already left. "Love you too." His voice was quiet and soft.
Wukong went back to get the rest of the peaches, now that MK wasn't here he could used his force power. The reason he never told him was because he wanted to live a normal life and he might be good at keeping secrets but sometimes he lets it slip out.
Plus he didn't want MK involved with that Empress. MK loved heroes.

Wukong closed his eyes and relaxed, feeling the warmth of the sun and ground underneath. The peaches glowed golden and started to come off the branches into the baskets.

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