Star Wars AU, Act'2: Part 1(11)

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Wukong groaned, his head hurt so much and his body hurt as well. What happened? Wukong's writs felt heavy and so did his ankles. He opened his eyes looking at his wrist, force stoppers were put on him. He could barely feel his power, did they really have to put these on him. Wukong sighed, hopefully MK was safe.

"You're awake." Wukong whipped around to see Macaque staring at him with no emotion. Wukong growled at him, he had no intention to listen to him. How did he get here again you ask, well we would have to go back when they first arrived on the Forge plant.


"Whoa!" Both Mei and MK held each other's hands in awe at the burning flowing lava planet, Red Son just scoffed. Wukong and Nezha smiled at their enthusiasm, when Wukong was going to get his custom lightsaber he had the same reaction. Wukong turned his attention back to Nezha who was getting ready to land. MK stopped to think, why did they come here again? "Mama? Why did we come here? Other than to let Red Son's dad come pick them up."

Wukong chuckled and folded his arm. "Well you can't keep using my lightsaber, if you did I would be left without a weapon." MK let out an oh sound and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. He still felt bad for taking it and not listening to him. Wukong noticed MK's shyness, so he put his hand on Mk's shoulder. "It's fine I don't blame you." They both smiled at each other warmly before Mei came in between them.

"So you're saying this is the place where lightsabers are manufactured or made." Nezha nodded, in reply to her question. "Can you all sit down so I can safely land us, please." Both nodded and turned around to find Red Son already sitting down, they went to sit by him and much to his dismay Mei was laying on top of him. Red pushed Mei onto MK which Mk pushed her back on to Red this went back and forth. Wukong chuckled as he sat down next to Nezha in the copilot seat, watching them.

The ship dived into the heated atmosphere carefully to avoid catching on fire. They flew over the buildings to land outside the border so they wouldn't have to deal with security. This was unknown territory and they didn't know if the Empire had eyes on this place. Plus it was kind of hard to sneak a huge ship in without being a detective.

Once they had safely landed, they all got up to exit the ship. "So when will my father be arriving?" Red Son exited last behind everyone looking around to see if his father's ship was here. But there was no other ship insight. Wukong put his hand on Red Son's shoulder to reassure him. "Don't worry, Mowang, your father will come." He just nodded as Wukong turned to MK who was standing alone looking into the distance.

"Are you scared?" MK looked over to see Mama standing right next to him looking over the planet's surface with him. MK looked back, he didn't know if he was scared or not after all would he ever go back to the way things were. Would they always be on the run from the Empire? What were they even running from? Wukong threw his arm over MK's shoulders smiling.

"Well if you're scared or not, just believe in yourself and try to trust me." MK looked at Wukong and smiled back, "okay Mama, I trust you." Wukong patted his back smiling, he knew what he was going to say next was going to surprise him. "Great because you'll need that to make your own lightsaber." MK just stared at him in shock, Mei who happened to overhear ran right over to them both.

"MK is getting his own lightsaber?" Mei looked at MK with sparkles in her eyes, Mk just stared right back at her then looked back at Wukong. "Wait, why do I need a lightsaber?" Wukong chuckled as his tail pulled out his lightsaber. "Because you need your own to fight and protect yourself, plus you can't keep using mine." MK nodded, he did kinda steal it from him then not tell him.

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