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Lightning flashed across the New York skyline, painting the sky with white hues of light for an instant ,before vanishing as if it were never there in the first place. Lightning didn't leave a trace in the sky, but it left an impact in the clouds. Thunder boomed, causing Percy to shudder under his blanket. If there was anything that unsettled him, it was thunder.

Rain pounded on the roof of the Poseidon Cabin where Percy was currently curled up with Nico on his bunk. He could feel the other boys breath on his ears, and his arms around Percy's waist, spooning him. Their legs were intertwined beneath the blankets, Percy's back against Nico's front. He felt warm, in both good and bad ways.

Good because Nico's embrace filled him with a sense of contemptment. Contempt to waste away the day ahead of them curled around each other like vine and wood. Bad because the rolling booms filling the moist air made him nervous and filled him with an anxious sensation in his gut. He wanted to pace, yet at the same time he didn't want to move.

Another blast rumbled, the anxious sensation growing. Percy would never admit to being unease by thunder, he wasn't afraid, just unsettled. Ever since he first arrived at camp, the night he killed the minotaur, the night his mother vanished, the night Gabe's car was totalled by lightning, lead filled his body at the obnoxious rumbling from Olympus. It didn't help that Zues basically hated him.

Percy shivered under the blanket, hoping not to wake his boyfriend with his fidgeting. That hope died soon. Percy felt the hand snaked around his waist twitch, and Nico's leg slipped from Percy's. Nico sat up behind him, Percy getting hit with a blast of cold from behind.

"I know you're awake, babe. No need to pretend." Nico said, his voice heavy with traces of sleep. Percy just flipped over, nuzzling his head into the crook of Nico's neck. His boyfriend chuckled and wrapped his nimble fingers into Percy's hair.

"What's wrong, mi amore?"

"You woke up." Percy wined, hiding his real problem with a fake excuse. Nico however didn't fall for it.

"Why are you awake in the first place?"

Percy groaned. Why did he have to date a smart person?

"It's the-"

Thunder boomed above the cabin and Percy shivered once again with fear, his hands shaking. He stopped his sentence, not finishing his explanation.

"It's the..." Nico prompted, tilting Percy's head to look at his boyfriend.

"It's the storm." Percy admitted, and Nico just pushed Percy's head back into the crook of his neck.

"Can you go back to sleep?" Nico asked and Percy looked at him in surprise. He thought that Nico would mock him or be ashamed of being with someone who was afraid of storms. He expressed this to Nico.

"Mi amore, I would never mock you for being afraid of something that could spite you. Zues has a history of killing his brother's kids, heck, I'm afraid of lightning!" Nico said and laughed it off. "I will never judge you for a rational fear, fidanzato."

Percy snuggled into his boyfriend again. "How did I get so lucky to have you?"

Nico laughed at his boyfriend, and kissed the top of his messy black mop. "I will always protect you from the big bad storms, mi amore."


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