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Grace had been drinking a lot since the issue with Dean and what he almost done to her. Grace knew how it scared her and how she had no idea what to think over it all

Grace knew that since Addie admitted what Dean to her all that grace would think over was what could of happened and what he tried to do to her

Grace sat in her room as she sat drinking from a bottle of vodka and sighed. She had no idea shah had happened since it had all kicked off but grace knew that this was her way of dealing with it all

Grace got ready for school and sighed to herself. She knew how school was the last place that she wanted to be or go but she had to.

Grwcr walked into the kitchen and saw Linda and smiled. Linda looked to grace and smiled

"I know a lot has happened to you lately and I get that but it will be okay" Linda said as she pulled her daughter into a hug

Grace had no idea what had happened lately. She knew how she couldn't just act as of if didn't

"Where's Addie?" Grace asked

"Sleeping. Leave her she's been through a lot" Linda said as grace looked to her and rolled her eyes

"And I haven't. He tried to rape me too but we don't talk over that do we" grace spat as she walked off as Linda looked after her and sighed

Grace walked through the square as she saw gray. She looked to him and smiled

"Hey. Are you okay. You look as if you have a lot on your mind" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay a lot has happened that's all but I'll be okay" grace said as gray looked to her and smiled

"Well I'm glad to hear it. I get that a lot use happened but I want you to know they no matter what happens I am here and it will be okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"Thanks that means a lot. I have to go or I'll be late and the last thing I want is to be into more trouble. There's a lot going on at home" grace said as gray looked to her and smiled as she walked off. Grace couldn't stop thinking over how messy things were

Grace got back to the vic as she saw Addie who looked to her and smiled

"Gracie. You okay?" Addie asked as grace smiled

"I'm fine shouldn't I be asking you that" grace said as Addie smiled

"I'm okay I swear. No need to worry. Besides I'm worried over you your my baby sister after all" Addie said as grace smiled

"I'm fine. I am. Look a lot has happened but I'm okay" grace said as Addie smiled. She knew how worried her sister was but grace had no idea just how down hill that her life was about to become and it would change everything

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