Graces struggles

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Grace sat in the cellar with a bottle of vodka and sighed. She knew a lot had happened and changed and she knew it wasn't easy

Grace knew that what happened with Dean effected her and she hated to admit it. Grace knew that Dean had tried to rape her and she knew that she was finding it harder to accept then she thought

Grace sighed in the floor of the cellar and groaned. She knew that the last thing that she wanted was to end up found by her family. Grace drained as she heard a noise in the alleyway outside

She stood up and frowned as she went to the door and opened it and saw gray and frowned as she looked to him

"What are you doing here" she asked

"I was looking for a toy Mac dropped. Why are you hiding out here" he asked as she looked to him and frowned

"I'm not" she said as he saw the vodka bottle and grabbed it as grace went too. He looked to her and frowned

"Do your parents know what your drinking their stock" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"They knew what they need to know. What's it got to do with you anyway" grace said as he looked to her and smirked

"I'm not a bad person grace. You don't need to push me away and whatever is going on in your life, this isn't the answer" he said as he grabbed the vodka bottle

Grace looked to him and smiled

"You don't know me" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"Maybe not but I do know that your a good person. Drinking isn't going to help you" he said as the two of them held a look

Grace walked into the kitchen as she saw Addie and smiled as she looked to her sister "how are you feeling" Addie asked as grace smiled as she looked to her

Grace knew that she was trying  to keep the fact that she had been drinking a secret and it was hard

"I'm fine besides your the one who he attacked. You kept it to yourself for so long and your my sister and I'm worried. I just want you to be okay" grace said as Addie looked to her and smiled

"It's not easy but I will be okay. You don't need to worry I just...he has to pay for what he did to me. I know what he always did to you..I would never of forgiven myself If he'd touched you I mean he drugged you and that's bad enough" Addie said as grace smiled

"None of it is your fault" grace said

Grace sat in her room and looked as mick knocked on the door. She hit the bottle of vodka that she had stolen under her pillow "can I come in" mick asked as grace nodded

She looked as he walked towards her and smiled as he sat on the bed "I wanted to see how you are I know that you haven't been yourself since Dean and what he did but your my little girl and I promise he won't get away with what he did" mick said as he stood up

"I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes in this room I'm back there on this bed...hun touching me and I can't make it stop" grace said as he smiled

"Then we will swap your room. There's spare rooms. We'll get you a new bed. Your mum and I will do anything to keep you safe"

"Thanks daddy" grace said as mick smiled unaware of how badly his daughter was struggling with everything

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