Bunking off

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Grace knew that she was acting as if everything was okay when she knew that it wasn't. All that she could think over was Dean and what he had tried to do to her. She knew how he had raped her sister and she was the one who was struggling and she knew how she didn't want to make it all about her

But grace knew that she was struggling and how she couldn't admit what was going on. She sat on her bed as she sat drinking from a bottle of vodka and sighed. She knew how she was trying to make it numb but it wasn't that easy

Grace sighed as she got ready for school. She knew how she didn't want to go to school but she had no choice. She walked out of her room and walked into the kitchen as she saw Addie. She looked to her sister and smiled

"Hey, are you okay" Addie asked as grace smiled

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that I mean you have been going through a lot. You shouldn't have to be worrying over me" grace said as Addie looked to her and smiled

"I will always worry over you. You know that. I just want you to be okay and Dean is going to get what he deserves I promise" Addie said as grace looked to her and smiled

Grace knew that the mention of Dean made her skin crawl. What he almost did to her made her want to throw up, she didn't understand how Addie was being so strong when she felt like falling apart

Grace knew how none of it was easy and she knew that her parents were arguing with Shirley over what happened and she couldn't help but feel tense over it all

Grace walked through the square as she saw gray "are you bunking off" he asked as she walked over to him

"I got into a fight with a mean girl. Thought I'd take myself away from the situation" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"Well it's better than meeting mean girls up although you do have your exams and it's not going go away by ignoring it" he said

"I know I just have to deal with it all. I have other things on my mind" she said as he placed a hand on her arm and smiled

"I know it's hard but you shouldn't let whatever is going on get to you. Your a good person and you don't need it" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She looked to see Linda as she walked out of the pub and grow Ed

"I better go" grace said. She already knew that she was in trouble for bunking off

Grace sighed as she walked into her room. She got into bed and curled up. She found a bottle of vodka under her bed and started to neck it. Grace knew how she was relying on drink more

She knew how it wasn't easy and she knew how she couldn't deal with what happened. She knew that her dad was so angry and her mum was trying to be there for Addie that she seemed to be forgotten.

Grace knew how she wasn't coping with it all and how it was getting to her. Grace was drinking more and it wasn't good but grace had no idea just how reliable that she was going to become in alcohol

She had no idea just what this was the start of and just how everything was going to change

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