Łəțš Płąý Pŕĕťėñđ

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That was one way to describe it.

But if it was for the greater good, then it's obviously more than worth it. Protecting Arcadia with the citizens, juggling school along with being there for his Mom.

Definitely worth it.

He carefully slips under the covers in a sluggish way. Lifting the sheets to fit perfectly against his small body. Letting out a sigh, he looks up at the ceiling, his thoughts ran free.

Sleep crawls it's way up to his already closing eyes. They finally shut on their own with his muscles untensing. Body feeling weightless. Deciding the position didn't feel just right, he tiredly turns on his right side. Eyes still shut in darkness while doing so. Everything starts to feel still, his bones relaxed, mind feeling blank-- this was the oblivion quickly snatching him with their dark claws.

But before that could happen something else came grabbing him by his waist.

Almost forgot.

"Goodnight, Jim." The voice ever so slightly whispered in his ear. He had wanted to respond but the oblivion had other plans as it already took him. He atleast knew the other would understand. That much was clear.

And at any moment in his life, although the heart-breaking fact was very much pointed out countless times, Jim still tries to pretend that the wizard wasn't completly gone, he never died at the hands of their enemies, even for a second, he still imagined the idea. Douxie wasn't completely ripped from their lives. Well, to him, anyway...

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