The Discussion

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Bailey and Y/n in Bailey's office
Bailey - Well, I think this is all. Thank you Y/n
Y/n - Thank you, Bailey. See you
Y/n leave Bailey's office and see Lexie down the corridor.
Lexie - Y/n! Beautiful!
Y/n - Lexie!
Y/n and Lexie were walking but Y/n trips and crashes into Arizona
Y/n - I'm sorry!
Arizona - Don't be
Y/n leave
Lexie - What was that?
Y/n - Why are you laughing?
Lexie - I think you and Arizona are still in love.
Y/n - Shut up
Lexie - I believe you two still have other chance
Y/n - Other chance? After what she did to me? No
Some time later. Y/n were at the cafeteria and Arizona came to her table
Arizona - Can i know what's going on?
Y/n - What are you talking about?
Arizona - You are treating me like I'm some stranger, wich I'm not and you know that
Y/n - I'm good. The real question is what's going on with you?
Arizona - You still can't forgive me for what I did?
Y/n - Ah true! You cheated on me. So no, I can't forgive you
Arizona - The only thing that you did was leaving me and going to New York
Y/n - And then?
Arizona - You left me... You abandoned me..
Y/n - I didn't abandoned you. We broke up and I went to New York, that's a completely different situation. That you can't get over me it's not my problem.
Arizona - Y/n, I asked for forgiveness a thousand times
Y/n - It's not that easy to forgive someone that cheated on you. Excuse me
Y/n leave the cafeteria. Arizona sigh

Later in the restroom
April - Are you okay?
Arizona - I'm in love with someone that's treating me like I'm some stranger. I miss her
April - You are talking about Y/n, aren't you?
Arizona - How do you know?
April - Everyone can see that you're still in love with her
Arizona - You're right. But she doesn't forgive me
April - Well... It's not easy to forgive someone that cheated on you
Arizona - I know. I'll do everything to deserve her forgiveness. I need her with me.

Y/N SheperdNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ