A baby?

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Later at Y/N's house

Amelia, Arizona, April, Addison and Y/N were having a games night

The doorbell ring

Y/N - I'll go

Amelia - It's a joke right?

Arizona - What's going on? Who is it?

Y/N - It's a... a...

The baby starts crying

April - Oh my god

Addison - We have to take her to the hospital

At the hospital

Amelia - We've talked with the police about the baby, they told us that the girl isn't in any lost children list

Arizona - How is that possible?

Alex - It was all they told us

Arizona - There's an 8 months baby unknown with no parents and they don't do anything?

April - They'll send her to an institution for abandoned children

Addison - I can't understand how someone is capable to abandon a baby

Y/N - I won't stay here waiting for them to do something. I'll take her home until they do something

Back at home

Y/N - God... I'm so tired

Arizona - I think this baby needs a bath

Y/N - a bath and sleep

Arizona - Yes... then is our turn to have a shower

Y/N - Hummm, I like that idea

Addison - Hello

Y/N - Hi Addie

Addison - You guys look like a beautiful family

Y/N and Arizona smile at each other

Y/N - And where's your girl?

Addison - Mer is still in surgery

Y/N SheperdWhere stories live. Discover now