We're in trouble

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Months later at Y/N's house. Ameliz, Y/N and Arizona were having dinner until...

Y/N - It can be

Carolyn (Amelia, Derek and Y/N's mother) - I am not having a kiss?

Y/N - Mum?

Carolyn hugs Amelia

Carolyn - Y/N, honey, you look gorgeous

Y/N - Hum, what are you doing here?

Carolyn - Is that the way to receive your mother

Y/N - It's just a surprise to have you here

Amelia is still in shock

Carolyn - Where's Derek?

Amelia - Derek is... in the hospital, yep that's it he is at the hospital

Y/N - We were just having dinner. Do you want to join us?

Carolyn - And that beautiful girl. Who is she?

Y/N - She is doctor Arizona Robbins. She works with us at the hospital

Arizona - It's a pleasure to meet you

Carolyn - Amelia, how it's going with you and Owen?

Amelia - I'm not with Owen anymore mum

Carolyn - You broke up with Owen and didn't even told me

Amelia and Carolyn start a discussion

Y/N was at the phone scrolling in Arizona's instagram

Arizona look at Y/N's phone and start smiling

Carolyn - It's something going on Y/N?

Y/N - Yes mum, bad news. You have to go. I'm needed at the hospital

Amelia - Yes mum. It's better if we go. It's getting late

Carolyn - Don't worry about me. I can stay here

Y/N - No, no, no. It's better if you go see Derek. He will be so happy seeing you

Amelia understood what was happening and start laughing

Carolyn - Well, honey. I love you, good night

Y/N - Good night, mum. Love you

Amelia and Carolyn walk out

Arizona - So, you were seeing my photos

Y/N - Me? No, I wasn't

Arizona (whisper) - Do you know what you are going to see?

Y/N - W-What?

Arizona - The stars

The next day  at the hospital 

Arizona and Amelia were taking care of a kid. Y/N was looking at Arizona

Meredith - They're lovely aren't they?

Y/N - Very lovely

Meredith - Do you and Arizona plan having a baby?

Y/N - A baby? No,no. It's too early

Meredith - That's true. Forget what I said

Y/N - Ari and Amy are so cute

Meredith - I need to go. See you later beautiful

Y/N - See you

At night

Arizona - I'm so tired

Y/N - Well, I think I have to cancel what I planned for you

Y/N walk out the bed and Arizona try to get her. 

Someone knock the door

Carolyn - Hi baby, can I stay with you tonight? Oh hi Arizona I wasn't expecting you here. What are you doing here?

Y/N - Mum, she's my friend

Arizona (whisper in Y/N's ear) - How I'm supposed to be your friend when I know you more without clothes than with them, if you say hi giving me a kiss

Y/N - Stop it... We're just back, mum. Feel at home

Y/N take Arizona by her arm

Arizona - I'm sorry babe

Y/N - Arizona what you said was unnescessary but sexy at the same time

Arizona - I just told the truth

Y/N - I know but now my mum will be very confused  about what happened. Now I'm in a bad mood

Arizona - I know how to put you in a good mood again

Y/N - Really? How then?

Mark - Sorry to interrupt. Y/N your mum is gone

Y/N - Finnaly, thank God

Amelia - Do you know what happened with mum?

Y/N - Ask you sister-in-law

Amelia - What have you done Robbins?

Y/N SheperdWhere stories live. Discover now