Mom can you pick me up, I'm scared

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Enid's POV
It had been a few weeks after the tragic event in the woods, teachers and students had their own theories for the murder. It was kind of a guessing game for them, but for me...I couldn't stop thinking about it. The sight of a man tortured like that till his dying breath, his life taken from him. The thought of him always brought a strange feeling to my skin as if insects were creeping under my flesh. I have been avoiding sleep the past days, fearing I might face him again in one of my dreams. I also have been secretly sleeping next to Wednesday, she almost kicked me out of bed last night. Didn't know she was this aggresive even while being asleep. least I'm still alive, wouldn't want to lose any parts of my body, considering she used to tingle with her brother's brain. Siblinghood at its best though.
-Miss Sinclair would you please give us the answer since this class is so interesting to you?
Oh shit I zoned out, what the hell does she want now?
-Uh..y-yeah the answer is um...uh..2?
-Honestly a 10 year old could easily answer this Miss Sinclair, why do you even bother coming to class?
Here we go again, throwing insults. Do those teachers even have a life? I mean she seems pretty miserable, all of them do. Uh I hate math.
-Hey you okay dear?
-I'm fine Bianca, I Just want to get out of here.
-All of us apparently, class ends soon anyways. Wanna come to my fencing class? Wednesday will be there too.
-How come?
-She signed up for the class a few days ago. But there has been an issue with her.
-What kind of issue?
-The teacher isn't sure if he's gonna let her use a saber, he thinks she will cut our heads off or something.
-Well that does sound like Wednesday, doesn't it?
-Yep, you should have been there when she was threatening to kill me.
-Oh we have a lot to cover.
The bell suddenly rang. Bianca and I got up from our seats and started heading for the fencing class. Can't wait to see Wednesday playing with swords. Oh my god I sound like a maniac.

Wednesday's POV
At last. After a couple of boring classes, I now could enjoy scaring kids with my breath taking fencing skills, like this girl, Bianca. I have to say she has lasted longer than anyone else who has dared to fight me. I picked up my saber, ready to head to class when a figure with sun glasses stepped in front of me. It was this vampire, Yoko Tanaka.
-Hello there, Wednesday.
-What do you want?
-Oh nothing I just wanted to say hi. I hear you have been causing problems for everyone, especially the students. Well done.
-Yes that is one of my hobbies, I'm glad you approve. Would you like to join me in fencing?
-Of course, I would love to see you slash those pathetic mortals.
Hm these students here aren't as bad as I thought, at least some of them. I smile back at her and lift my sword.
-Honestly I couldn't have said it better myself.

No one's POV
Enid and Bianca have been chatting for sometime during class, mentioning all the weird and funny moments they had with Wednesday. After a few minutes Wednesday and Yoko enter the room, everybody turns around to look at them as if they are going to murder someone. The werewolf and her friend decide to approach them.
-Hi Yoko!
-Hey Enid.
-What are you drinking? Is that strawberry juice?
-No it's the blood of my enemies.
An awkward silence follows.
-What a mood though.
Bianca says. and Yoko have to go now since your class starts soon.
Enid grabs the vampire from her sleeve and tries to guide her out. But before she even has the chance to move, another male voice speaks up.
-Wednesday get out of here!
The black haired girl turns around to find one of her annoying classmates looking at her with disgust on his face.
-What do you want you unworthy worm?
-Get. Out.
-I'm not leaving. In case you don't want anyone to find your body in the garbage bin, I'd recommend you apologize for your behavior.
-Oh really, I thought you left your victims in the woods.
Enid's head shot up at that, she got closer to the boy, looking right though his eyes. Her fangs were sharper than ever and her irises much brighter than the sun.
-What did you say?
The boy got silent. Enid was starting to lose her patience.
The blonde clawed at his shoulders
-Tell me!
-Stop that, it hurts!
Bianca tried to calm her werewolf friend.
-Enid take it easy, he is just an idiot.
-No, he has some explaining to do!
The young man surrendered at his torture.
-There have been rumors okay? Now stop hurting me!
-What rumors?
-Some believe that...Wednesday killed that poor man.
-What? Are you fucking serious? Who spreads these rumors?
-I don't know. These things just come and go.
-Honestly every single kid in this school is so fucking dum-
Only now had Enid noticed that something was not right. Wednesday had disappeared.

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