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Wednesday's POV
I hadn't been able to sleep these past few days, frantically looking for that stupid siren, Bianca. She has been avoiding me at every chance she's got. Even at fencing, she hasn't said a word with that stupid smug of hers. I swear I'm going to skin her alive the next time I see-
Yoko waved at me from the table. I immediately ran up to her and grabbed her from her wrist, guiding both of us away from others.
-We need to talk.
-Way to ruin my morning routine Wendy.
I eventually stopped and turned around to face her.
-Tell me everything you know about Bianca Barclay.
-Uuuuh, what would you like to know?
-Anything unusual about her, her actions, her history, all of her relationships with Nevermore academy students.
-Wow, slow down her realtionships are like a fricking novel, it would take days to mention each and everyone of them.
-Alright, how about this, what does she want from Enid? Why did she try to hurt her last night?
-What? Hurt her? There is absolutely no way she would do that.
-Bianca tried to control her. After that Enid turned into a big werewolf and attacked me. I don't really think that's a coincidence. I get that she has some kind of death wish, trying to murder me, but I can not understand the reason she involved Enid into this.
-Um, well I'm no detective, you have to figure that one on your own.
Yoko was looking more paler than usual, she knew something.
-I know you are trying to hide something.
-No, I mean, I don't know anything. I'm sorry Wednesday I really have to go, art class is about to star-
I grabbed her from the shoulders locking her in place.
-Tell me, right now.
-Okay, okay just, I need you to stay completely calm.
-I am calm, tell me.
-Uh...okay so, before you came here, somewhere around two years ago, Enid was the outsider, the newbie. When she first arrived, no one really was interested in talking to her, except Bianca. They became close very quickly and started spending more and more time with each other. At this point they were best friends. I was hanging out with them multiple times and they seemed to be very fond of each other. A few months later there were some rumors spreading about them.
-What kind of rumors?
-Just spit it out.
-In the last halloween, they...kind of...kissed. It was a truth or dare game.
I felt as if someone had punched me though the chest.
-Y-You, you mean that they
My voice started cracking.
-No, they never did, Enid made it clear that they were just friends and nothing more. Though Bianca wished it was the other way around.
-Then that means..
-She likes Enid, more than a friend.
I was at a loss for words. I tried to piece every little information about her, but nothing made sense.

Enid's POV
My head really hurt this morning. Ever since Wednesday slapped me with that rod, I have been feeling really dizzy. I was lying on her bed, wrapped up in her cozy blanket. Her pillow, her bed, I could still smell her scent on it. I really miss her, she's been gone all day without saying a word. I slowly drifted off to sleep, trying to find some peace. That's until I felt two hands grip me from behind. I grunted and opened my eyes only to find Wednesday looking at me with a weird expression, one that was not murderous for some reason.
-Well hello there beautiful!
-Did you really think that it would be a good idea to sleep here?
-Um, yes?
Wendy's frown turned into a smile.
-Excellent choice.
She said as she got under the covers and hugged me from my waist. That familiar warmth returned and I felt my cheeks turn red. I pressed our foreheads together while holding her soft cheeks.
-I thought you weren't going to show up.
I said before covering her face with kisses. She made a grumpy, annoyed face, one that was far more cute than I could comprehend.
-I spent 24 hours of my life with brainless people. My body couldn't keep up with their stupidity.
I giggled as I kissed her once more.
-I hope you haven't forgotten about the prom, I can't wait for tomorrow!
Wednesday suddenly opened her eyes. For some reason she looked pale.
-Oh, yeah, I haven't...Everyone is participating to that stupid dance, right?
-Yeah, Mrs Weems made it clear that this ball is necessary for everyone.
-Oh, joy.

No one's POV
The prom finally came the next day. Students were dressed in white costumes, dancing with their partners. Tyler also showed up. Both Wednesday and him thought it would be a good opportunity to investigate each and every student. There had been a couple of suspects on their list that needed a little questioning. Although Wednesday had other plans for tonight. She was frantically looking for that one person, the one that ruined her weekend. And yet no sign of her. Wednesday felt a little tapping on her shoulder. She turned around only to find Yoko. The vampire was looking at her with a mischevious smirk.
-What do tou want?
-Let's just say I may have done something...a little bit fishy.
-And what would that be.
-Oh, just you wait. Friendly reminder, look up.
The black haired girl decided to listen to her friend and waited for whatever she had planned. There was something hanging from the ceiling, like a plastic bag, but there was something inside it. Yoko threw a knife to the bag and some kind of liquid started spilling out of it. Wednesday realised what it was from the smell and the color. It sprayed on her face, while she smiled. White uniforms were now covered in blood and everyone was starting to freak out. The principal's smile started to fade and her face was now painted in confusion. She took a small amount from the blood that fell on her face, examining it. A scream pierced though the halls, Mrs Weems was starting to lose her composure, she trembled and called for the security team. This sight had been an unforgettable gift to Wednesday, the terror written in the principal's face was more fun than she could anticipate. But her feelings quickly got mixed, when she spotted two familiar people. The satisfaction she previously felt was now replaced with jealousy. Bianca was hugging Enid. The werewolf clearly got scared of Yoko's prank, facing the other way, while Bianca kept holding her. Anger started to build up in Wednesday. She started approaching her girlfriend, while staring hard at Bianca. The blonde turned to face the person who put a hand on her shoulder.
The dark girl pulled Enid closer to her, breaking Enid's hug with Bianca, and replacing it with her own. Her girlfriend was now leaning all her weight on her chest. The blonde tried to regain some control with her breathing.
-Enid, you okay honey?
The siren tried to make it seem as if she was caring about Enid, but her face was completely covered in annoyance and embarassment.
-She will be fine.
Wednesday lifted her girlfriend's head, looking into her eyes, which were yellow apparently. The dark haired girl was lost in her partner's beauty. Her hair, her dress, her eyes, her features, everything seemed so perfect, so she acted on instinct. With a trembled breath, she leaned closer and sealed her lips with the girl she loved. Enid was a bit surprised at first. She never expected her girlfriend to show her emotions, in front of every body else. Every student was staring at them in shock and whispers filled the room. The teenagers had invented these rumors that Enid and Wednesday had gotten together, but never expected to witness them in front of their eyes. Unfortunately there was one student that didn't seem happy about this. Her fists were clenced as she stared at the couple. Out of nowhere, Yoko grabbed Bianca's hand and led them away from the dance. Enid was now smiling at her partner before kissing her one final time and the crowd erupted into cheers.

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