Episode One

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To you, in 2000 years.
-The fall of Shiganshina -

That noise. What's that noise? My body aches. It's so bright, even with my eyes closed. I just want to sleep but that noise- it's so loud.

Pang. Pang. Pang.

I hear screaming and cries.

What is happening?
Just open your eyes.
But it's so bright-
You've slept long enough, open your eyes.

I'm so stiff. My joints feel like rusty metal. Maybe I'll sit up. The ground is cold. My mouth tastes sour.

I sit up. It hurts. My skin aches from the cold. Shit, just wake up already. My hair tickles my bare back. My eyes crack open, blurry and fogged. How long did they let me sleep for?


Oh, that's right.

Sina, Rose, Maria. They're gone. Ymir too. What about the kingdom? What stands now?

I rub my eyes to clear my vision. Well, this place is different- where is everyone? It's just an empty field- woah, my hair grew. Down to my knees, how about that...

But what is this place? Is this the same place I was put to sleep? I shiver, it's cold without my clothing. My bones crack as I stand. Why is the ground shaking? Is there a titan near? Shit, I've got no energy-

Wait, that's the sound of weaponry. Another war? No-
What did I miss while I slept?

Rocks flew as civilians scattered for safety. This is the end, isn't it? Or maybe the beginning. Maybe it's just a continuation of an unfinished story.

Screams filled they air. Bodies, mutilated and smashed strewn about the cobblestone like ants leaving a den. Cattle, these people were. Living only to be feasted upon by... the cruel world that they were forced into. Men, women, children. Sons, daughters, parents. All squashed between the teeth of a much larger mouth.

Did they deserve this?

Depends on who you ask.

This was the world. The cruel world. The only world that was offered. It just isn't fair.  Perhaps in someone else eye, it was fair. Maybe this was just judgment from a higher being. Maybe it's not the world, maybe it's just hell.

From the edge of a ship, one heartbroken little boy would vow to put a stop to this cruelty, to this slaughter house. He's determined the far future for these suffering people. This madness would end with his sacrifice.

Would that be freedom?

Or would death overcome a boy who should've stopped being so ambitious ages ago.

What would that mean for everyone else?

No one could tell the future....

Rest assured however, there was more than just one ambitious boy with a large dream. There was also a warrior who become hell bent on making it happen. Together, they'd be exhausted of playing slave to this game that is life.

I'll end what I was born to make flourish. I'll make life fair.

Tears, angry ones, flowed through two sets of green eyes that day. That horrible day. That day that a son lost his mother. A girl lost her home. A boy lost his safe haven.

That day.

That crucial day. It was already seen before. By two sets of green eyes.

The day that a three young warriors snuck into the walls and made themselves blend into society. Where they realized their place in the world. Where they broke a multitude of hearts, including their own.

The day a fourth and much older warrior slipped into society with the intention of correcting the wrong.


On the ground, splatters of foul smelling bodily fluid splashed as the bare feet of Dimitri Arch ran through them. It had begun pouring rain after all of the chaos. She had managed to walk through the breach of a large wall she had learned was called Wall Maria, after everyone who was lucky had managed to evaluate into the next interior wall. Those who were unlucky, laid strewn about the land, dead.

It was a horrific sight to see.

Who would want to wake up to this?

She wished it was only a nightmare but unfortunately, she couldn't pinch herself awake. This was reality. A reality that she herself had brought upon all of these innocent people.

These poor people.

They didn't know any better, they-

"Hey, ma'am, are you alright?" A voice called to her from above.

Through the raindrops, Dimitri looked up in confusion. A man, dropped from the sky with a static like sound following him. She gasped, not understanding why the man was jumping to his death in front of her.

But just before he splattered onto the cobblestone, he landed onto his feet, with a metal clank. Dimitri looked at the man incredulously. She reached for him, touching his cheek with a tender hand. "Are you okay? You've just fallen."

The man gave her an astranged look, taking off his cloak and wrapping it around her nude frame. "Look, we don't have a lot of time and your the last sign of life in this place. Let's get to safety before anymore titans show up."

Dimitri blinked, glancing down at the contraption around his waist. "This, this is how you survived that fall."

"You're not making any sense lady. Did you hit your head?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him to a loading dock, where a small ship floated in a small man made river; that led to the next interior wall entrance.

"Perhaps, I don't remember... what is this machine you carry?"

The soldier, in a quick manner helped her onto the boat and tucked her into an area where the rain wouldn't land on her. "You must be concussed. Do you remember what just happened here? Shiganshina has been compromised. I'm with the military police to gather anyone who might still be alive."

"Shiganshina? This place, is Shiganshina? And you're a Soldier?"

"Yes and well have you looked at by a doctor once we get to Trost. It's likely, you're just in shock but your memory seems to be foggy."

Dimitri was devastated. Tears welled in her eyes. It wasn't over. What she had fought against so hard, so long ago. It was still infact an issue. "I.... I'm sorry." She uttered.

The solder grabbed her hand in an attempt to comfort her. "It's okay ma'am, I'll get you to safety."

He didn't realize that she was only crying due to the fact that she had become aware of her failures. She looked up to the sky, her heart heavy. "I'm sorry, Ymir." She whispered.

"I'm sorry."

To You... [A Levi Ackerman Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now