Episode Two

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-That Day-
-The Fall Of Shiganshina-
-Part Two-

Warning: Mention of death of an infant and others. Mention of child neglect/ abuse.

Crying people huddled around a small sheltered area of this place. What was this place called again? Trost. This is the place that everyone had to take shelter after the breach.

My head hurt. This was a lot to process. A woman next to me tried lulling her wailing infant. She cried too, trembling as she ran her dirty fingers through its sparse hair. I shivered.

The soldier from earlier had managed to get me a thin dress and apron but the material was nothing against the cold wind. I was supposed to have been checked by a doctor but there were none. All the injured, they just had to sit in pain.

My stomach rumbled. God, how long had it been since I've eaten?

The baby's crying finally stopped, while the mothers cries only grew louder. I looked over to see the woman set the infant on the ground and slowly walk away. What kind of moth- oh. The child lay still, not breathing. The poor thing was soaked in red, a large gash on its head. I see.

I stood, walking nearer to the food distribution line, had it gotten bigger? I supposed I'd be getting no meal today.

There was a ruckus behind me. A boy, being beat down by a soldier while two other children watched. What the hell. I lifted the front of my dress and scurried over. "Excuse me!"

The soldier threw another kick to the child.

My heart leaped in my chest when I saw him lift another fist. I quickly squeezed my body in front of the boy, sandwiching myself between him and and angry punch. What came next was a strike to my jaw.

I have to admit, if it weren't for my exhaustion, I surely would've fought back. Unfortunately years of slumber takes up a lot of energy. My body wavered as I staggered back due to the force of the blow, my hand immediately placing itself on my jaw to soothe the new injury.

The crowd around us gasped and murmured about. The soldier gasped and grabbed a hold on my shoulders to steady me. "Ma'am I-"

"Oh good. You aren't a woman hitter. Just children, right?"

"I'm sorry, you just got in the way-"

"I prevented you from striking a child!" I shouted. "Does it feel good to take your anger out on someone who can't fight back?"

"No! I-"

"Then walk away!" The man looked to the three children behind me, then back to my eyes before grunting and stomping off. I kept my eyes on him until he was no longer in the proximity of the children.

"Um... excuse me.." A small blonde boy tugged on my sleeve. I looked down to see him holding up a handkerchief to me. "You're bleeding."

I softly smiled, and  kneeled down to him. "Thank you, young man," I averted my eyes toward the boy who had gotten the beating. "Oh, goodness. You're going to have quite the bruise." I tenderly pressed below his eye, where some swelling was. The little girl beside him said nothing, only starring up at me with the most adorable doe eyes.

The little brunette boy, stared quietly as well, looking at me as though we've met before. I softly smiled at the three. "Come, where are your parents?"

They stiffened. The blonde boy discreetly answered. "They didn't make it. It's only us and my Grandpa."

My heart squeezed in my chest. These poor kids.

I stood, hiding the frown that wanted to display on my face. "Well children, let's go find him, hmm?" I reached my hand out to the three. "My name is Dimitri, what are your names?"

The blonde grabbed a hold of my left hand while the little girl held my right. The other boy stood and made his way beside the little girl who grabbed his sleeve. "I'm Armin, and that's Eren and Mikasa."

"Well, I'll escort you to your grandfather and be on my way." We began towards the food line again.

These children seemed very familiar. Of course, I don't know them since I've been sleeping for years. But very familiar were their eyes.

I suppose it could only be deja vu. I've met a lot of people in my life time. Seen plenty of eyes.

"You're hand is cold." Mikasa quietly stated. "I'll warm it for you." She blew hot air from her mouth onto my hand. It was a very sweet gesture but also ineffective.

"Thank you, dear."

"Armin! There you are, boy!" An older man with a wheat hat made his way over to the four of us with bread and potatoes. "I got our rations."

I smiled letting go of the blonde boys hand so that he could meet with his grandfather. "You must be his Grandpa, I'm Dimitri."

"Oh, these ones didn't cause you any trouble did they?" He asked worriedly.

"Not at all, Sir. I just wanted to make sure they got back to their guardian safely. I'll be on my way, now." I bowed my head and ushered Mikasa and Eren to the man. I turned and strode away quietly.

"Wait! The least I can do is give you some bread to thank you." He called after me.

"That isn't necessary. I'll eat tomorrow."

"I insist! Anyone who takes care of my Armin, is a friend of mine." He was very persistent.

"Well, alright." I accepted the bread from him and smiled. "You all get some rest, okay." I looked down to the children who nodded. "And be good for this man."

"Yes ma'am."

I then walked away, trying my best to ignore the sting in my jaw. Is this what the world has come to? Titan infested? Desperate. Starvation. Death. Devastation. Pathetic.

How did things get this way.

People were dying, children becoming orphans, mothers becoming childless. It isn't fair. None of this is fair.

It may take a while but for the sake of humanity, and for the sake of this poor children who lost their parents...

I'm going to put a stop to this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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