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*200 years into the future*

When it was 2015 Earth was destroyed. All of the plants, animals and even people have died from global warming, oil leaks, fires, gas smoke, floods, volcanos, earthquakes, you name it. People said it was 'the end of the world'. Very few people survived. They said the years 2015-2090 were the hardest. People struggling on a string to survive, people dying of starvation, poison, being attacked by wild animals, people were going crazy and just start killing other people to survive. The people who were still alive were desperate for a chance to live and they keep fighting. They would live under highways, in caves, in prisons maybe in some houses that were still capable to live in.

The late 2090s  people were slowly starting to improve, they were slowly repopulating. They started a new economy, work, schools, technology, new leaders. We came up with a new government system, everything was steady for the next one hundred years.

Then in the year 2120 a man named Stylesten invented the thing that made all of this possible. He made the worlds first man/robot, he called it a drone. He was instantly a billionaire. He saved thousands maybe millions peoples lives.

It's 2213 now, Technology is the ruler of the world. Everything is run on machines, only people who work are for the poor who can not afford there paying there bills and they only get pain a few dollars an hour. Our lives depend on technology, a lot of us wouldn't be here if the high technology wasn't invited.

We can literally get a second life. If someone dies they are brought to the lab where we get surgery and programmed to be drones. You have to have to have a lot of money in order to do that. If you are poor then you can't do anything about it. But people who are desperate can do anything for a second life and they even sleep with the doctors or threaten to kill them and force to make them do surgery on them.

Until one day two girls break in and steals the key of what makes all this happen. What will happen if one decides she wants all the power to her self?


Authors Note

Hey guys! Here is another story from me. I hope you guys like it! Please vote and comment.


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