Chapter 4.

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(Catastrophe's Perspective)

I follow Dynamite as we walk through a locker room.

I see a few girls fixing their makeup and I turn to look at one girl doing her lipstick. The girl turns to look at me and smirks. The girl pushes a button on her small mirror and small knives shoot out of it.

I gasp slightly and I hear the girl let out a chuckle from my reaction.

I then hear a low growling below me, I look down and see a pit bull growling at me.

"Good girl." The girl said to the dog ate starts to pet her.

What the hell is wrong with her?

I continue to follow Dynamite through the locker room and dozens of girls are walking around getting dressed for the day. I turn to see one women holding an annual dynamite!?

Why is she casually holding that?!?

"Dynamite. I found this outside but it didn't land anywhere near us and it didn't go off. Should we use this against them?" A girl asks.

"Sure. Let them have a taste of their own medicine. Put that in one of the spare rooms." Dynamite said.

"Yes ma'am." The girl said and carried it away.

We walk into a different room to see it's a huge gym.

"This is where you will be training with the rest of the girls for the next few days." Dynamite said.

"Okay. When do I start?" I asks

"How about now." Dynamite said.

"Sure lets start." I said.

"Homeslice!!" Dynamite yelled over to a girl in a clear box swinging a long sword fast and sharp through the air.

The girl stops swinging her sword and looks at Dynamite and turns to look at me. The girl walks out of the box and puts her sword in her harness on her back.

"Yes Dynamite?" The girl asks.

"We have found a new recruit. Her training starts now. How do you feel about the sword as her first weapon in training?" Dynamite asks.

"It sounds perfect. And you are?" The girl asks.

"I'm Catastrophe." I said.

"Hello I'm HomeSlice. You will soon find out why I'm called that." HomeSlice said and smirks.

"Why don't you give Catastrophe a little demonstration?" Dynamite asks.

"I would love too." HomeSlice said and walked back into the box and grabs on of her long swords.

HomeSlice pushes a button and the box suddenly begins to make some weird noises and suddenly small things start to shoot out at HomeSlice and she cuts it fast with her swords. I look down to see it was fruit being thrown at her. More pieces of fruit flies out of the box on the inside and HomeSlice cuts every singe one without missing anything. They start to flag out more fast and she is still hitting them one by one.

Suddenly a big opening comes up on one of the sides of the box and a watermelon comes flying out right at HomeSlice face, she gasp but it doesn't faze her and HomeSlice swings her sword hard w d fast right in the middle of the watermelon cutting it perfectly in the middle. The two slices of watermelon falls to the ground with a loud thud and HomeSlice breaths hard trying to catch her breath.

Everyone in the room claps loudly and cheers.

HomeSlice smiles and bows.

HomeSlice walks out of the box and comes to me,

"So ready to start?" She asks.

"Yes!" I yelled excitedly.

"Follow me." HomeSlice said and I followed her.

She took me to the back of the box to see all kids of swords lined up against the wall. "Pick anyone you like." HomeSlice said.

"Wow um okay." I said and I looked through them all.

I picked up a sliver sword with a long knife. It's heavy but not too heavy where it would be uncomfortable after awhile.

"That's a nice one. Follow me." HomeSlice said as she picked up her sword again.

We walk into the box and I look out to see all of the girls in the gym are watching us.

"Don't pat attention to them. Just pretending it's just you and me." HomeSlice said.

"What if I mess up?" I asked.

"We all messed up when we all first started to train. And don't worry they can't hear our conversation. The glass is sound proof." HomeSlice said.

"Just follow my swinging and I'll show you how to block attacks." HomeSlice said.

HomeSlice instructed how to swing my sword and how to hold it. HomeSlice slowly starts to move her sword and I block it slow strikes. We do that for a few minutes until HomeSlice starts to swing her sword faster at me and I block them more faster and slowly start to strike back.

"Swing harder!" HomeSlice yelled.

I swing my sword harder with more force and HomeSlice does the same. We start to swing so hard on impact of our sword hitting they clash and make a loud sound of medal hitting each time we hit.

"Swing as hard as you can!" HomeSlice yelled.

I swing my sword as hard as you can and HomeSlice is blocking my attacks and swinging back hard as she can with her sword. My breathing is hard and sweat is dripping off of me. I swing as hard as I can and my arms are killing me. We are swinging our swords so hard and fast that the medal is starting to create sparks when the medal clashes together.

We are both swinging as hard as we can and dodging each other attacks. We are moving all around the small box and we continue to fit for a bit.

I swing at HomeSlice so hard that it knocks her sword out of her hand and her sword flies through the air hitting the protective barrier and it falls to the ground with a loud crash.

I look out at the girls watching us and they have shocked looks on their faces.

I turn to see Dynamite and she smiles at me.

"Wow. No girl that I have trained has ever knocked the sword out of my hands like that." HomeSlice said.

"Really?" I asked shocked.

"I'm impressed. Good job." HomeSlice said.

"Thank you." I said.

We walked out of the box and the girls run up to me.

"Wow! That was amazing!"

"I have never seen that before."

"Are you sure you never used a sword before?"

I looked over at Dynamite, "You did a great job for your first day of training. How about we all rest and have dinner." Dynamite said and the girls cheered.

"Thank you." I said.


Authors Note

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