Chapter 1.

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(Catastrophe's Perspective)

In the busy city of New York there is one of the worlds biggest marking company that has millions of money inside. It has dozens of security guards, Cameras and all different security devices you can possibly think of.

My name is Catastrophe, I'm 25 years old

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My name is Catastrophe, I'm 25 years old. I live in the poorer part of town. It's small and that is all made up of cheep metal houses. I live alone, my parents died when I was young. My father got shot and killed by gangs. He was at the wrong place and the wrong time, he was in the sketchy part of town. Two gangs where going a drug deal in a ally. They got into a fight one of them got out a gun and shot but missed and hit my father in the chest. One of the realized what happened and they all ran, my father bleed out on the ground all alone.

Once I found that out I made a deal with myself that I will hunt them down and kill them all. It took a while to find them but when I found my first instinct was to kill them on the spot and get revenge. The police found out and I was in hiding for a while.

My mother died shortly after, she couldn't take the pain and killed herself. I was in shock I knew she was heart broken but I would ever thought of her killing herself. I don't knew what was worse my father being shot or my mother killing herself. I was a mess after that. I would get alcohol and drank for days maybe even weeks I don't remember must after.

My friends were worried about me and begged me to stop. I would go on raves and go to the junk yard and just break everything in sight to get out anger. Soon they became distant and then they never speak to me anymore. I don't know where they are.

I am standing across the building waiting for Arsyn to arrive in our get away car. Her plain is to get in and get out, get as far away from the city as possible. Maybe go to a different country? Yeah that sounds good. Maybe go to the UK? We could hijack a private jet and force the pilot to fly us there.

I hear a car pulling up behind me and I turn around. I see a black car with tinted windows driving down the dark alli and stops just a few feet in front of me. That must be her, I walk over to the car and stop in front of the drivers side window.

The window rolls down and I see Arsyn, "Where have you been?! I have been waiting for you for an hour." I said angry.

Arsyn got out of the car, "I had to drive slow to blend in so no one can find me. You know that they are looking for us." She said.

"I know I know." I said looking over my shoulder to see if anyone is seeing us.

Let's just say Arsyn and I aren't in with the greatest people in town. A month ago we broke in a jewelry store and took a few thousands dallors of necklaces and rings. The two of us been on the run for years. I first meet Arsyn when I was thirteen, she snuck up behind me and pulled out a knife up to my throat. She threatened to kill me if I didn't gave her any money or jewels.

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