Chapter 3

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Finally the time had come for Josh to pack up and sign out for the day. He said goodbye to his colleagues and headed out to his car which stood out on the street. As he got into his car he froze, looking out onto the street he saw a girl with long dark brown hair with a blue streak and a petite figure walking with her head down staring at her phone in her hand. Could it be? He caught a breath as the girl went past and let it out with disappointment. No it wasn't. Why would Ella return to Brisbane anyway? And there's no way she'd streak her hair. Josh felt so miserable, he was even tempted to call his best mate Tom to see how things were going. At least he could still communicate with Tom. The first few times he had asked Tom to check up on Ella, but Tom got sick of it and the reports about Ella doing fine stopped. Josh wondered if Tom and Ashley ever really saw Ella around or if they were lying to him. When he got Ashley's number off Tom, he had called her once and Ashley had replied that Ella had started working at some swim school but never said anything else. Josh sighed, he thought he would've moved on by now but he just couldn't. He still felt guilty for what had happened. He started up his car and pulled out onto the road. As he was driving dow towards his dad's apartment a few decent looking Toyota 86s and a bright blue Suburu sped out in front of him. He watched as they all turned a corner and headed down another street of the busy city. Out of pure curiosity, Josh decided to follow them.

10 minutes later and he found himself at Roma Street Parklands, a massive park that replicated New York City's Central Park. The Toyota 86 crew, plus the Suburu WRX were now parked in the parking lot. Josh hesitated, he knew he'd be in deep trouble if he ventured out there. By now his dad would be back at the apartment, that is, if he wasn't working late again. Josh checked his watch. It read 5:30pm. In a few minutes he'd get a text from his dad either asking where he was or letting him know that he was working late at the office. At about 5:35pm his phoned beeped with a message from his father. Josh sighed with relief. His dad was letting him know that he'd be working late tonight. Josh tried to shrug off the fact that this was the 6th week that his dad was working late at the office, and decided to park his car and check out this meet. A few more others started to gather and soon the parking lot of RSP was full of street cars and people chatting. It reminded him of his crew, and the meets down the coast. As he walked down the line of parked cars, greeting some people that greeted back with friendly smiles, he noticed the girl that he had seen before, back at the law firm. She was wearing long denim jeans with a ribbed red t-shirt, her long brown hair flowed down her back and over her shoulders and the blue streak glittered under the park lights. She was now positioned standing next to an old red Ford Mustang, looking intrigued, back at him with dark brown eyes. "You must be new here," she observed, giving him the once over look. Josh gulped and ran his hand through his hair as he always did when he got nervous. "Uhh hey, ummm not really. Been living here for like, 2 years but just haven't been around town much. I'm Josh by the way," he introduced himself. The girl smiled. "My name's Christal, but most people just call me CeeCee," she responded. Josh smiled back at her. She seemed nice. It seemed like all of the stress from that day and thoughts of his ex melted away as he talked more with CeeCee about cars, photography and his job. Soon it got quite dark and music started playing from a boot of someone's car. All of a sudden a group of young people came out of nowhere and started dancing. CeeCee laughed as she watched on and Josh watched in amazement. "Oh my gosh, this reminds me of the meets I been to back at the Gold Coast," he said, as he watched on. CeeCee nodded. "There used to be a girl, part of this crew years ago, she moved away, but she started this whole dance crew thing at the meets. It's great entertainment," she replied, grinning. "Sometimes we all just join in and it's a big dance party." She got up then and extended her hand. Josh hesitated before taking it, and she lead him into the madness, laughing and joining in with the music.

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