Chapter 10

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As we headed to the go karts, Jake was scratching his head still trying to process what had just happened whilst I on the other hand was trying to control my breathing. This was all Annabelle's doing. I knew she had it out for me from the moment I had stepped into Josh's studio. Memories and flashbacks came flooding back of my old life. The dancing, parties, laughter and the good group of friends that I had til Cass came along. Everyone felt intimidated by her, hence why I was lucky enough to be taken under her wing of support and security. And also why the girls got jealous. Annabelle was afraid I was taking one of her good friends away. CeeCee thought she was losing me. And then when my parents moved the same time Cass's parents moved, towards the coast, there was hellfire. I blinked back tears as I remembered that afternoon back in August 3 years ago. We were all sitting at a local Starbucks and Cass had just announced she was leaving for the Gold Coast as her father got transferred. When I mentioned the same thing, Annabelle accused me of planning this behind her back and CeeCee, who was always free minded, jumped on that bandwagon. Fast forward to 3 years later, and it looked like they really hadn't moved past that. I wiped the tears that had escaped with the back of my hand, but not before Jake saw. He pulled me to a stop next to one of the food stalls and put his hands on my shoulders. "Look, we don't have to do this, ok? We can go home, watch a nice movie, if this is all too much for you," he said gently. I sniffled and shook my head. "Nah, it's good that I face this head on. It's been a long time coming. I haven't shown my face around here since....." I trailed off just as Ava barrelled into us, pushing us further to the side where we were hidden behind the stall. "What the heck do you think you're doing?" She hissed at me, her blue eyes full of confusion and curiosity. Jake cleared his throat and she looked up at him. "Oh sorry, do you mind if I steal Ella away for a second?" Jake shook his head with his hands raised and glanced at me with concern. I gave him a small nod. "It's ok, I'll come find ya at the go kart track, ok?" And with that Jake headed off towards the track. I turned back towards Ava who was looking at me with a strange curious look. "So you want to start a new crew to battle out your old crew that has your ex in it," Ava said like a statement but it came out sounding like a question mark as she stood there with her hands on her hips studying me, her long blondish brown ponytail behind her blowing in the slight breeze. I opened and closed my mouth. Had I really just said that 10 minutes ago? I suddenly paled. "OMG it's like Deja vu," I replied, raising my hands and burying my face into it. Ava reached out and patted me on the shoulder. "There, there, don't worry. Look, I kind of understand. If Josh hadn't of been forced to move away, he would've waited 5 months before he breaks up with you. He's like that. He's not a guy that is committed. As much as I hate to say this, but, Annabelle was partly right with that," Ava said, her eyes now full of concern. I looked up at her and thought about everything that happened 2 years ago. And then when she started enrolling Boston for lessons at the swim school earlier last year. Ava wasn't that bad. She was actually nice and humble. I bit my lip."Why are you being so nice to me when I've been such a cow to you?" I asked, barely above a whisper. Ava sighed and shrugged. "Cos I've been where you are now. At least he didn't get you pregnant." The last bit stung, but I knew what Ava meant, and in that, I found mutual respect for her.

We talked more as we decided to make our way down to the track, not wanting to keep Jake waiting. When we got to the stands, Jake was sitting off towards the side with a tray of food. We went and joined him, with me introducing him to Ava properly. Jake smiled. "Yeah I remember you also from school. You weren't in the cool crowd though," he greeted, with a nod. Ava gave a reluctant smile, she didn't really want to go that far back with memories. High school had been painful for her. Surprised, I looked at the both of them. "You guys went to school together?" I asked, my eyebrows raised. Jake and Ava nodded. "And Josh and Tom," Ava added. The line suddenly clicked. I turned to Jake. "Josh and Tom were the guys you gave a hard time being into car stuff," I said it like a statement. Jake pulled a face but nodded. "For the record, they bullied me about being nerdy. Which I was, back in high school," he slid his eyes towards Ava. "And as far as I can remember, so were you." Ava avoided looking at Ella. She really didn't want Ella knowing that she was indeed a nerd of all sorts. To her, Ella was a cool, popular person. From what she gathered, Annabelle, CeeCee, Cass and Ella must've been pretty close knit clique once before. Now THAT, she was curious to find out. The trio talked some more about how everyone seemed to know each other from school and then the kart races started. My eyes were on the track but my mind was somewhere else and I felt like my heart was tearing apart once again.

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