The Time for Family

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Eliza wasn't feeling up to it, so Happy took it upon himself to decorate the condo for Christmas. There were green and red lights strung up along every wall, tinsel along the balcony door, and a giant tree next to the TV.

The smell of fresh bread came from the kitchen, which Happy swore was a tradition, though Eliza still had her doubts.

Despite her lack of the Christmas spirit, she still baked the bread with Happy and watched all the movies one was supposed to watch.

She played her part and remembered what Dr. Robertson said. The ocean- for all that it is- has an end. She was holding out for the end. She couldn't wait to resurface, breathe fresh air, and rid herself of the ocean.

May and Peter had come over to spend Christmas Eve with them. She didn't know if it was because they did the same thing last year- technically 5 years ago- or if they thought it would help her.

Either way, sitting on the couch with her head on Peter's shoulder as they watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer made things feel semi-normal.

"You know this is extremely inaccurate, right?" Eliza asked Peter as Rudolph wasn't invited to any of the reindeer games. "A red nose mutation isn't a thing- especially one that glows."

"What?" He feigned surprise. "I thought this movie was super accurate."

His teasing made her smile. She tucked her arm around his torso to pull herself closer to him. "Sorry to disappoint you. Wait until I tell you the truth about Santa Clause."

He looked down at her, his brown eyes sparkling. "What about Santa Clause? I'm expecting a visit from him tonight."

Her grin widened as she looked up at him. "Poor, poor boy."

His Aunt laughed, pulling both of their attention as they looked toward the kitchen. May and Happy were whispering as they plated cookies.

"He has it bad for her," Eliza whispered to Peter.


She hummed.

"For my Aunt?"

She nodded.



"No. That's not- that's not... true..." He slowed as he watched Happy smile at her, his cheeks red from the wine and laughter.

"He looks about as hooked as you were with me," she noted as she looked back at Peter. "It's bad."

Peter watched the two in mild disgust. "May wouldn't..."

She sucked on her teeth. "She might. They've been spending a lot of time together because of us... maybe it's bringing them closer." As she hypothesized, she looked back at them. "Happy's Peter Parker and May is-"

"Don't say she's you."

"The Eliza Broussard."

He grunted. "I don't want to think about you and May having anything in common."

She giggled gently as she turned to him. "Why? Does it turn you off? Your Aunt is very attractive, Peter."

He let his head fall back as he let out an unGodly groan. She laughed and pushed herself up higher in her seat.

"It's not to be embarrassed about, Peter. It just means you have good genes. Your family is very attractive. Lucky for you, that means you and your kids will be-" She stopped dead, the words burning in her throat.

Peter lifted his head at her sudden silence. "Me and my kids will be... what?" He looked between her eyes.

"Uh-um..." she cleared her throat, then tucked her hair behind her ears. "You and your kids will be attractive," she finished lowly. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to force a smile. "That's what I was going to say."

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