Friday Fetch (4)

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She felt humiliated as she crawled over. It wasn't just the crawling; she could feel his gaze that followed her through every moment of her humiliation. Thankfully, he hadn't thrown the sponge ball with much force, so it didn't lie very far.

For a second she considered picking it up with her hands and walking to him. She had never disobeyed him, so she didn't know what the repercussions would be, just that she wouldn't like them.

So, very obediently, she tried to catch hold of it with her mouth, but the ball slipped. She knew her actions lacked grace completely and that seemed to annoy him. He was a stickler for elegance. Heaven knew how he ended up with a clumsy bumpkin like her. She didn't even need to look behind to confirm that he was scowling at her. She tried a few more times unsuccessfully; it was harder than it seemed to be. The ball kept getting coated with more of her saliva and become more slippery, and the task got harder the more time she took. She finally succeeded somehow and made her way back, careful not to accidentally drop the ball.

He wasn't satisfied at all. He just took the ball from her mouth, scolded her for being slow, and after a perfunctory wipe with a towel he got from that bag of his, threw it again, this time further.

She made her way back on her knees again. Her eyes started to water, but she held back her tears. She crawled back, managing to get back with the ball in her mouth. He looked at her as if she were less than dirt, but took the ball anyway. She breathed a sigh of relief.

He made her repeat this a few times, until she was careless enough to let it fall down halfway. Even when she hurriedly picked it up and made her way, she could feel his gaze boring at her. Right then, she understood the entire point of the exercise. He had been waiting for a mistake.

She offered him the ball but he would not take it. She felt stupid, as she stood on her hands and knees, her eyes pleading. Her jaw hurt from chomping on the ball. He didn't seem pleased with her.

She thought he'd use the riding crop on her, but he didn't. He just used it to point at a spot in front of him. She obeyed his command, settling herself in front of him, just gazing at him. He glanced fairly emotionless at her, seated, still in his formals, barely any skin in sight, so unlike her naked self.

Suddenly, he seemed to make up his mind about what to do to her. He lifted her chin up with his foot, forcing her to meet his eyes. She dropped the ball in surprise. There were butterflies in her stomach. His toes trailed a path down her neck, playing with her collar for a bit, before finally using her shoulder as a footrest.

"A puppy who cannot even play properly", he mocked her, "Tell me what I should do with you..." He repeated his action, this time accidentally getting his big toe close to her lips. She kissed it without thinking.

That made him laugh. He wasn't expecting that. He took his foot back, leaving her craving for touch. Any touch.

"Should we give this puppy another chance?" He collected himself and asked her. He had almost broken character.

She nodded her head.

"Alright puppy" He tilted his head, watching her intently as he gave the command, "Sit."

She shuffled to sit on her heels, looking at him, silently asking him if what she did had been right.

"Hands", he mouthed at her, beckoning her with the riding crop to hold them up, which she did.

She could see he had a little trouble holding back a smile as if wanting to laugh at the stupid position she was made to hold.

She stayed like that for a few seconds, not daring to break the position while he amused himself.

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