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For many days and nights--she wasn't sure quite how long--she remained in that cell, chained to the wall. Eventually, the cuff was removed from her neck and the cuffs and chains on her wrists changed to adjustable ones so she could eat the few meals they gave her. No doubt, she assumed that was because of Atlas, whatever he had done had convinced someone somewhere loosen and relieve her torment. 

Her wrists and ankles were raw and red, so irritated and burning but the pain had become so numb that she could hardly recall it was there. Her neck healed in due time once the iron cuff was removed and she finally felt like she could breathe again. She ate each meal they gave her with no complaints, eating quietly and slowly. For many days the only people who came to her cell were Baynore or Tylin, sliding her tray of food under the gap under the cell door, never once saying a single thing to her, nor looking her direction.

She wasn't sure if she should be glad they didn't choose to speak with her or if it was worse that they were keeping quiet. 


"My dear King, it would be an opportunity of a lifetime, for me," Atlas said, standing before the golden throne, his King seated, watching him, listening to him. "My short moment with that creature in her cell--well!" He clapped his hands together. "Magnificent! Truly, your highness. She is unlike any hybrid our history books speak of. An intelligent creature, indeed, she is! Proper manners and way of speaking, knowledge of basic understandings, calm, collected, even. This is not the hybrid we are all too familiar with. She has powers, gifted by the Goddess herself!"

The King sat still, listening, holding his intense gaze with Atlas. His eyes were red, even in human form, glowing lightly as he watched his dear friend speak fondly of a creature that everyone fears. 

"If I just had the opportunity to study her, learn her powers and abilities, she could prove to be quite useful in this war!" he said, smiling triumphantly. "And I might add a crucial piece to my personal research I have been conducting."

"And what research might that be, Atlas?"

He chuckled lightly, pleased to hear the voice of his King. "On the prophecy, nothing else. I have studied every other part of it, learned deciphered--but there has always been just one missing piece in it all. She could very well be that missing piece!"

"I cannot threaten the safety of my people for your research, dear Atlas. You know this."

"But! Please! Your highness!" It was a playful beg, whining like that of a child. "You cannot let this opportunity pass. We may never get another chance. Honestly, what good would it do killing her? With her abilities, she could've killed any one of the guards before they captured her. She didn't. A savage creature with free-will for itself, a creature we deemed unable to have such things. If she were a threat she would have very well posed herself as one by now."

"And what you do suggest, exactly, Atlas? Would you rather it be chained in your study?"

"Her name is Ameerah," Atlas said, smirking as the King raised a brow. 

"So, it is true then," the King said, standing from his thrown, stepping down the few steps and standing before his friend. "Harland and Darion will ensure your information is accurate, first. Preparations will follow after that. If she truly is not a savage creature, as the ones written on the walls, then she may become your apprentice here in this castle."

Atlas released a sigh of relief, smiling proudly. 

"But," his smiled flipped. "If Harland and Darion decide she is unfit, a threat to our Kingdom, she will be put to the post. Understood?"

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