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"Well, dear Atlas. Tell me, what have you come to learn about our Hybrid?" spoke the King eloquently, signing documents neatly and handing them to a high-ranking wolf for delivery. His blood-red eyes glanced up at the Warlock, the intensity boring into him.

Atlas sat before the King's desk, his blonde hair pulled in a low ponytail, a deep green eyepatch over his eye to match the green of his tunic and robes he had on for the day, accented with gold trims and intricate embroidery. His brown eye looked happily at his King, an eager smile stretching across his face. 

"I would sit here, my King, and go into detail but it really would not do it justice. Ameerah is an extremely intelligent woman. I might even say that her intelligence is nearly up on my level."

The King gave a look of approval, sitting back in his chair once he finished with the paperwork before him. "Things have been quiet?"

Atlas nodded. "I've only barely begun to start her training with alchemy and potion-making. With her extra hands I will be able to formulate more medicine and supplies for the infirmary, especially for young master Godfrey's recovery."

"No signs of aggression or violence?" The King asked, clasping his hands together, listening to his dear friend intently, his eyes focused on him.

"No! No, none at all, your highness. I might even dare say she is the most gentle creature I have had the pleasure of encountering. Her connection with the nature and the things around her are extremely fascinating," Atlas spoke, his eye twinkling with admiration. "I could never imagine holding such a deep connection with the Earth as she does, it is the most incredible thing ever. I am still working to understand more about her uniqueness as a hybrid, I have not been able to come up with any plausible conclusions."

The King held his hand up. "No need to rush things, dear Atlas. As long as no signs of aggression or violence have occurred, I trust you to make decisions with the Kingdom's safety in mind."

"I am surprised, your highness, that you have not come to see her yourself. After all, having a hybrid on Royal grounds might as well be treason. Wouldn't you like to meet and see the peculiarities of this one?" Atlas asked, rising to his feet and fixing his robes.

"I may casually drop-in sometime this week. I have been dealing with more...pressing matters. I trust your judgment, Atlas. At the very least, I will be visiting Godfrey this week to check on his condition," the King spoke. 

"I shall give you any further updates when necessary. Excuse me, my King," Atlas said, bowing slightly and exiting the King's study.

It was all very true. Ameerah now had been here for nearly two weeks. She meets with Atlas to study and learn every day of the week from dusk till dawn and gets the weekends to either spend studying on her own time or taking time off to relax. However, in these two weeks she has made incredible advances even with the simple tasks with which Atlas has taught her. She has already become a master at making small medicinal potions specifically for werewolf mothers nausea and mange. Atlas had also took it upon himself to take her on small outings to his personal garden on the Royal grounds, witnessing for himself the deep connection she had with the Earth and creatures and nature around her.

Atlas was eager to head back to the study where Ameerah was working more on her studies. 

"My dear Ameerah!" Atlas greeted, grabbing her hands eagerly once he arrived. 

"Welcome back, Atlas. How was the meeting with the King?" she asked, her voice still as smooth and gentle as always. 

"Very short and sweet as always, he might be stopping to witness you and your improvements. But, well, knowing how busy he gets I wouldn't count on it truly happening," he explained, laughing sheepishly and gently releasing her hands. "How has the studying been? Do you understand the formula for this potion?"

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