im sorru this is so bad

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"it's only a cold paulie. i'll be fine." kaku says, weakly smiling as he looks up at paulie, leaning over him in the bed and wringing a wet towel which he places on his forehead.

"don't want you getting even more sick. shut up and let me handle it." paulie replies, placing ice on top of the towel. it honestly gives kaku even more of a headache, but he appreciates paulie's care so he doesn't attempt to stop it.

then, before kaku can reply, a thermometer is shoved down his throat. great.

"jesus christ you're boiling! i'm gonna have to call the doctor..." paulie murmurs, turning his back to kaku as he starts walking away to fetch the den den mushi located on the table. before he can begin to move, kaku firmly grips his arm and pulls him back down onto the stool stationed next to the bed.

"it's fine, paulie. i'm not going to die. i'll just sleep if off and be ready for work tomorrow." he states, loosening his grip and looking to paulie.

"you ain't going to work tomorrow. i'm telling mr. iceburg you're sick. don't even think about it." paulie grumbles, looking down at kaku who has a confused look on his face.

"why? it's just a cold, working won't affect it-" before kaku can finish his sentence paulie stands up and storms out of the room, picking up the den den mushi on the way.

great. so now he was laying in bed alone, not going to work tomorrow, and had a boyfriend that seems to be pissed. how could he win?

well, he couldn't really. so, he just closes his eyes and feels himself doze off.

when paulie reenters the room and sees kaku sleeping, he feels wrong for how he acted even if all he did was care for his boyfriend. whatever. so, he leaves him to sleep peacefully. he wasn't going into work anyways, mr. iceburg had said so himself.

so, paulie just lays down on the sofa and lets himself stare at the ceiling above. what could he do for kaku whilst he was ill? the thoughts raced through his head, eventually making him shoot upwards and run out of the apartment.

he makes his way to the flower shop. god, paulie knew it was cheesy but he was sure kaku would appreciate it. so, despite his looming debt, he buys a big bouquet of flowers for kaku. mainly consisting of roses of different colours, as paulie had caught kaku admiring some that mr. iceburg was growing one summer.

then, he goes to the toy shop. and, picks out a small giraffe toy. he felt pathetic waltzing up to the cash register and purchasing a child's toy, but eventually left and made his way back to the apartment.

"ah. paulie. what have you brought?" a woman speaks to him as he's walking. he realises it's kalifa.

"put some clothes on! wear some pants or something! and it's none of your business!" paulie screams in response and turns his head to continue walking.

"it's for kaku, right? it's sweet. but, i'll leave because you clearly don't want to talk. goodbye, paulie." and like that, she merely walks off, not saying another word.

after that, paulie makes his way back to the apartment, where he gathers the items brought for kaku, and begins writing a note for him, in addition.

ensuring kaku's still asleep, he places the items beside kaku's bed, on the bedside table, ready for his awakening, or whatever.

paulie hadn't really done anything like this before. he felt like some dumb lovesick schoolgirl as he closes the door to the room and moves to the sofa, and also promptly falls asleep.

when kaku awakens, he sees the gifts. confused, he reads the note and begins to smile. he loved paulie. buying something for him just for being sick? what an idiot,

still ill and mildly disorientated, kaku walks towards the sofa and places a kiss on paulie's forehead.

"thanks, paulie. i love you."

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