Did we all just die man?~L

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So no, we actually aren't dead. I think we all just kinda forgot this thing exists. But no need to fear for I am here

Lol so basically, we all got into early college and that's been draining me entirely cuz HA anxiety's a tricky butter basket man.

Uh so yeah. How are u people? Yeah. Idk that anyone reads this anymore cuz omg we haven't updated since January?

So no we aren't dead.
Just kinda busy
And extremely lazy

Ok Uhm idk what else to say cuz like no ones gonna read this anyway.

I got rejected by a guy I like?
Brason is still my #1 ship?
We've expanded our friend group and merged with a another group so they're like our sub group?
Yeah four months later and literally nothing interesting a happened

My favorite author answered me on wattpad doe!!!!
You should follow her

She writes stories that kinda ruined my social life but they're so great that I couldn't care less

I recommend. 'Hers' as the first book of hers to read.

We're kinda friends now. I'm really happy and sorta proud I sucked up the social anxiety and actually talked to her

So yeah

Mmk bye

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