that's some nice oil storage, be a shame if someone airstriked it.

46 3 0

"Void Squadron, you'll be going up against more of those enemies marked with that same IFF as the drone's, now, as always, check for Osean aircraft....or I'll throw you to the brig myself like the idiot in this squadron......i didn't hear anyone moving besides Void 1, did i say this was a briefing? GO OR I'LL SEND YOU TO THE BRIG!"

A certain desert harbor.

"Void Squadron, check in."

"Void 1, ammunition green, aircraft fuel still got 47 minutes, beginning final system adjustments."
"Void 2, ammunition green, aircraft fuel has 40 minutes, I'll hunt the sky."
"Void 3, ammunition green, I'm ready for an explosive party!"
"Void 4, ammo ready and aircraft has enough fuel for operation, just name the target and I'll slice em in two."

"Copy that Void 1, 2, and 3. You all are clear to engage enemy aircraft upon arrival, however, strict RoE says to not fire at the tankers or you'll be sent to the brig and have pay docked until told otherwise. That means you Void 3, no high speed bombing runs, and no lasers at the ground."

"Awww, looking out for the enemy Skywatcher?"

"You'll pay for that comment back in base."

"Void 3's being an idiot as always i see."

"Ah, hello bandog, didn't realize we had the same frequency, I'll throw the guy that did this in the brig later, but for now I'll brief you: we are here to strictly elimiante aircraft and fuel storage facilities, nothing more, nothing less. Feel free to gun down Void 3 if he gets trigger happy."

"I see....all spare aircraft, prepare to engage, i don't want to see a single tanker after this."

"I bet high money on triggers survivor."

"Hey, I'd bet more on Void 1 if i were you champ."

"Really? That guy? It was nothing but a fluke."

"Shut up Count, i don't see you shooting down anu aircraft, how about you go make sure they know of our presence first?"

"Void Squadron, engage now. Anyone who doesn't will be punished."

"Void Squadron engaging, Void 1 beginning assault."
The ADFX-02 Morgan flew down, detaching the large missile, which flew toward a group of F15's.

"Hey!? I got a lock on me!"
"One missile? What do the Oseans expect to do with that?"
"Wait! That plane...evade! It's not a normal aircraft!"
"Oh god! That thing just detonated a few hundred meters of air!"

"Skywatcher, seems like you have some promising aircraft."

"So do you, trigger eh? Maybe he'll prove himself after this."

"I doubt it...spare squadron, i don't see enough action besides trigger right now. Engage!"

"You want us to fight in that mess!? He just indiscriminately killed enemy aircraft!"

"So? If you get caught in the blast that's your problem Count. Engage or face punishment."

"Bandog getting all mad? Doesn't-"

"Void 3, if you don't shut up you'll meet the brig's version of solitary."

"Aye aye Skywatcher, engaging."

The other aircraft, or, remaining ones, were easily dealt with....considering the fact there were 3 superplanes and an F22 with the Osean 'convicts'.

"Void Squadron, we got new orders."

"What? The merc's gonna leave us this soon?"

"Count, new orders don't always mean a transfer, maybe if you had more brains than salt you'd know that."

"Jeez, bandog really knows how to roast."

"Ignoring that....Void Squadron, RoE lifted, engage at will. Also, i want those trucks gone. Got it? Ignore the aircraft for now unless told otherwise or it's on your tail."

"Wilco Skywatcher, Void 1 engaging ground targets."
The ADFX-02 Morgan used it's laser to....well, melt trucks, explode fuel, and slice in half some SAM vehicles.

" are we supposed to compete with out squad lead if hes got this?"
"Void 3, maybe if you were better at engaging and had less of a mouth running off you'd get a paycheck, then again, i expect nothing changing from you."


"Hey, why do i detect drones on my RADAR Count? If it were up to me you'd be thrown in the brig for that....."

"Count, you best pray you survive this, if you do? Solitary. If you dont? The corpses getting solitary."

"Void 1 shaking bandit."

The ADFX-02 Morgan used flares to dodge 7 incoming missiles from....holy hell, 13 drones were chasing him.
And he detached the second large missile, which, killed the drone's anti climatically.

"Did he just....."

"Hey, that's Void 1 for you, he gives zero fucks about his opponent. He just wants his paycheck."

"Void Squadron, Void 1 and the other's destroyed all the targets while i see none of you getting any remarkable kills. You'll all be sent to the brig except for Void 1 and Void 2."

"He seemed to have got lucky, but now it's time for solitary Count."

"Void Squadron, RTB."

Void Squadron withdrawed.

(Incase anyone gets confused: the first mission was that massive desert map with the 20k points at hard difficulty, i think.
This one's the harbor.)

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