Go ahead, call the experimental squadron. you can't unsink the fleet.

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"Void Squadron, there are reports of a 'Aegir fleet' being stationed in a ice filled ocean. You will be sent out five minutes before Strider arrives, make sure to make those count. Because we will be switching to phase 2; attacking both sides with drones, which means, you'll be dealing with the more lethal kind of aircraft from now on. As such, we'll be making you have some kind of alter ego, a false identity."


"Void Squadron, don't forget: credit is failure."

This time, Void Squadron entered the more familiar EAB/DC-27.
Experimental Airship Battlecrusier/Drone Carrier-27....it was meant to brute force past naval blockades, not aerial battles, that's what the drones are for.
Armed with a rotating 37mm twin-linked auto cannon on the top, several drone ejectors, a small fabricator, a VMB reactor plus several HCIS, CIWS, and AAM's.
Not counting a miniature shield....
Void 1 piloted the airship, the other 3 piloted drones.
This might've been overkill, but, it was not supposed to be used as a support unit in the manual.

As the EAB/DC-27 headed toward the location, it was immediately detected by the fleet.

"What the hell is that!?"
"An arsenal bird? Wait, didn't we hack them!?"
"No shit, this isn't the arsenal bird IFF. Unidentified unit."
"Prepare for combat! Launch every fighter at our bases, that things just a giant targe-"

A sudden launch of 10 drones alerted the enemy fleet as well.

"Shit! It's carrying drone's. Careful, those might be piloted by that thing's crew....if it has any."
"Who would be insane enough to enter that tomb!?"

"Void 2, fox 3." A single ASM slammed into the carriers hanger, detonating jet fuel due to it having a semi-napalm warhead.

"We've lost our carrier!"
"Holy shit, they loaded napalm in the anti ship missiles. Are they insane!? If we even hit them those will go off!"
"They are using drones, of course they'll use more explosive and volatile weapons!"

Suddenly 37mm shell's began hitting the frigates and destroyers, causing even more confusion.

"They have auto cannons on that thing!? How is it punching through our hull!"
"Those shells must be really expensive."

Then, 3 of the drones began splitting apart, doing high g turns that should have torn the drones apart just to dodge missile's and get ASM's on target.
The fleet didn't last long.

"All squadrons, we've got unknown aircraft chewing up that enemy fleet like a sandwich. Be careful out there."

"Trigger, do you think it's the mercenaries again?"
"Count, those mercenaries didn't have an airship last i checked. Not to mention that kind of technology, i think i just saw it deflect a shell from a crusier."

A pair of drone's flew past the two squadrons.

"Those look like the one's we had to shoot down last time, looks like the big bird himself is here to finish us off..."
Then a unidentified voice came onto the radio.
"Count, do you ever have any hope? You lads are worse than Void Squadron, at least they kept quiet while we fought, for the most part."

(A/N: Foreshadowing or not, cliffhanger is here.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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