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"Void 1 in gun range."
The ADFX-02 Morgan soared through the sky as it took down several Su-30's in fast succession with it's..modified 45mm auto cannon.

"Void 2, fox 3!"
Several QAAM's were launched from the F22, almost hitting a few Su-57's that had been detected.

"Void 3, LAZER TIME!"
The TLS on the ADF-11F Raven striked the newly found Su-57's, sadly they were never getting past. After all, these were essentially an ace squadron in overpowered and overly modified superplanes except for the F22, which, got transformed into a speed demon and was nearly impossible to find on RADAR.

"Void 4, launchin' drone's."
2 PLS drones detached and went after two separate Su-47's, who, had unfortunately been rammed in the engines and detonated mid air.

"Good work Void Squadron, Voidwatcher seemed to be on break, so, I'll be returning as AWACS."
AWACS Skywatcher was back to ruin the fun- HEY NO NO-
Think about these choices in the brig.

"They....they just wiped out those people."

"Still think we should engage Striker 1?"

"Pull back, we can't face them, 'sides, they are merc's like us."
The squadron of silver painted F22's diverted from the battle, unaware they had been detected, and also radio cracked, seriously, pilots suck at radio encryption.

"Void 1 disengaging, hostile AWACS reprioritized."
The ADFX-02 Morgan suddenly yanked it's nose up, this move was so unexpected by the enemy that they didn't even think it was about to shoot down the AWACS.

And just like that, the enemy AWACS was gunned down.

Hostile fighters had slower responses, after all, you can't dodge if you get no warning.
Also the fact they are unlikely to get back to base, morale probably lowered.

"Void 2, shaking missile." The F22 yanked itself up, sending five missile's to the sun. Then, it did a post stall maneuver, starting falling, and dropped a UGB.
The UGB fell onto the Su-47's squadron leader.

And....the other two squadron's quickly fell apart, being picked off one by one from Void Squadron or being outnumbered by Erūzen Squadron.

Eventually, the dogfight had finished, of course.
Void Squadron as usual, can't keep up with Void 1.
Erūzen Squadron, had one plane beung forced to eject because of maintenance failure, that's how onesided the slaughter to the enemy was: they didn't even lose anything to the dogfight, they lost it from LUCK and someone forgetting to check the aircraft.

"Well, any luck on getting Osean intel?"
"Aye aye Captain Winter, we got a 700 meter long hull mounted railgun. Something about a giant submarine being hijacked..."
"Damn, that's unfortunate for them, maybe they'll hire us or send those con's, eh?"
"Maybe, i heard Void Squadron built quite a reputation dispite the limited mission we gave them."
"To be fair, they ARE our only aces, the other's can't be considered aces due to lacking 180 kills. They'd be considered elite pilots by this point, not an ace."
"Ah, good break?"
"Coffee break."

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